Your "Must Have" Android Tablet Apps!


Aug 28, 2011
Hey folks.

the good news (for me anyway) is that tomorrow, I should take delivery of my new Samsung 10.1 GT :). The bad news (for you guys) is that I'd like to thoughts and input into what apps are out there. I'm talking about the ones you use, that are sensible. could be business, could be productivity.

Also, if someone could let me know, I've been looking for a solid, multi tasking (Calander/Notes/Contacts/etc) email client which can use IMAP/POP AND Exchange. I'm presently looking at:
  1. Touchdown
  2. K-9
Are there any others you would recommend, or are these 2 the market leaders at present?:confused:

Thanks for reading, and look forward to your recommendations :)

Important Note: NO FACEBOOK/YOUTUBE type links. Don't use facebook and rarely ever on YouTube :D
I basically use my tablet 75% for business, and 25% for personal use, I do YouTube maybe once a month. I do find that it is good for Facebook, but I just use the browser for that.

So, I prefer Touchdown to K-9 purely for subjective personal reasons. I would also look at Evernote for note taking and management. The integration with the desktop version and phone version is fabulous. I like Smart Diagram Pro for diagramming, I use MaplePaint for drawing (both are important aspects of my job), and QuickOffice and GoogleDocs for Word, Excel and PPT tasks. I also like Feedly for my news reader, I used to use Pulse, but I have found the interface to Feedly to be better suited for the tablet.
This is the kind of response I was looking for :)

I have to say, Touchdown looks like a better system. I assume you've paid for the license? Seems pretty good for £11.

The other apps I'll be downloading today. Just picked it up at the store, however now have to wait for the Boss to embaress me and present it... *hating that moment!*

then, off with the packaging and booting it up and downloading :)
Yes, i bought the licensed version of it. Kind of felt I had to since I have now used it for a year....;)
How did you manage that - thought it was a 30day tag? - message me your secrets wise man :)
the thirty days resets everytime you flash the device....and since I seem to never last 30 days on a specific ROM...there you go!
Sounds like the really good news is that the new tablet is a free one. Congratulations on that.:) As far as apps are concerned, I'd recommend Titanium Backup. That way you can back up all the apps you decide to install along with their data.
Tibu - free or charged? Where does it back them up to? Not that newfangled cloud do hickity?
The free one has worked well for me. It backs everything up to the external SD card.
Pretty much agree, but I switched from Evernote to Springpad--like it better, and it's totally free.


I've installed the App for and it keeps crashing when I try to enter my name/pass in.

Whats the best version for the 10.1 to use?

If it is GB 2.3 then Exchange support is built in to the std mail client. I have used Touchdown and Moxie and both are good.

Sent from my X10i using Android Tablet Forum
Cheers for the input lads. Up and running now. Needed to upgrade the app for the forums :)

Sent from my GT-P7510 using Android Tablet Forum
I just look at that Titanium Backup and it says your device must be rooted?

Sent from my GT-P7510 using Android Tablet Forum