Zeepad 7.0 WiFi Connection Problem


Jan 19, 2014
Just bought two Zeepad 7.0 today. One connected to our wifi with no problem, the other one won't. When we go into the settings and slide the wifi from off to on, it stays there for about 10 seconds and then slides itself to off. I have already tried to do a reset to factory settings and that didn't help either. I have looked at other settings and can't see any reason why it is doing this. Suggestions....?
Welcome to the forum

Since it's so new, do a factory reset. If that doesn't work check on a public hotspot and if you have the same problem there get it exchanged. This assumes both have the exact same versions of the firmware. (settings - about)
Have already tried doing a factory reset. I thought about trying somewhere else but like I said the button won't stay in the on position any longer before it turns itself off.
Hi mcullison, welcome to the forum. Glad you decided to join us here at Android Tablets. It sounds like it's defective, return it.