Got The Market Working On 7022 Without Rooting!

Home key thing happened to me. I did a factory reset n redid the process n that fixed it. On the launcher problem check the box at the bottom n select launcher n that will go away for good.

Sent from my PC36100 using Android Tablet Forum

How do I do a factory reset? When I do that, I will lose all the apps I downloaded. can I save them on a microSD card or will that not work?
Hi daprospecta, I was wondering if you have a chance to read and if possible give some inside to mine posting above. Thanks
this is mine posting:

Hey daprospecta, thanks for sharing your knowledge. I followed the steps (to install the Market App) as spec'ed out in the earlier post, the sequence (of installing the apps) is different to the one that you mentioned in your video. I tried both ways, but the Market App refuses to work. Should I uninstall all the apk's from the 'G Tablet' zip?. Am a bit apprehensive though, If I do this, would it mess up anything in mine 7022?. BTW, regardless of what sequence I used, I never go the SetUp Wizard as a choice of Launcher. If I do the uninstall, what is the 'Real' sequence?, I guess the one from your video, correct?. Switching topic, could you send me a link on how to root this darn thing
Hi daprospecta, just wanted to thank you for the files and the easy to understand video tutorial. Usually this kinda' stuff results in some amounts of glitches and/or frustration but this went smoothly the very first time. Matter of fact, it worked great on two different units.

After installing the market, I was able to download Flash 10.3 directly instead of having to d/l the apk to my sd card and install. Was also able to d/l and install the Netflix app, which is also working very well.

On a side note, I just bought the 7022 from Toys R Us on Tuesday and I'm now on my fourth one. :eek: The first one constantly failed to stay connected to the internet, as well as having a "wonky" screen. The second one was working great but last night developed a stuck pixel. Went back again today, opened it right in front of customer service and the new one (number 3) they gave me had a small blemish on the screen. Even though not policy on opened electronics, the mgr was prepared to give me a refund. I really like what this unit offers for the bucks, so I told the mgr I'd like to give it one more shot.

So, hopefully the fourth time is the charm. I would have to say that the QC, or lack of by Coby, is very discouraging. Anyway, so far the fourth unit is doing great. Hopefully, it will continue.

Btw, my favorite part of your video tutorial was near the end when I was watching your hand. :D

Thanks again,
Mike T
How do I make my mini external keyboard which came with a mini usb to connect to my kyros mid7022 work? I have connected it but nothing happens?
Have anyone already tried this with the Kyros MID 8024 model? I want to buy one of this, but only if I could use the Android Market without rooting. Thanks!!
I got everything installed, per this thread's instructions, but whenever I try to log into the market it says that it can't establish a connection to the server. I'm able to log into the market on my phone. Thanks for any help.

Enable usb debugging. Look in system,applications,development for it and enable it.

Sent from my MID7024 using Android Tablet Forum
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I tried disabling and enabling the usb debugging but nothing? maybe it is not compatible, i bought it from *****************, doesn't tell me the brand. Other people said they bought it and it worked for them? Model #5015572400001
Thank you so much Daprospecta!!! My first Andoid tablet (sold my IPad on Amazon) and my first time doing anything like this. Was very nervous. I can't afford to brick anything. :cool: I only bought this tablet (TRU $170 w/$25GC) because of this thread. Out of the box it is very limited. But now it's a nice toy. Everything works just fine. Well, haven't tried the HDMI out yet. Thanks again for making this a very easy upgrade!
Thank you so much Daprospecta!!! My first Andoid tablet (sold my IPad on Amazon) and my first time doing anything like this. Was very nervous. I can't afford to brick anything. :cool: I only bought this tablet (TRU $170 w/$25GC) because of this thread. Out of the box it is very limited. But now it's a nice toy. Everything works just fine. Well, haven't tried the HDMI out yet. Thanks again for making this a very easy upgrade!

I love the HDMI function. Its full mirroring n this tablet plays 1080 p files which means if u have a HD TV it will output hi def files beautifully.

Sent from my PC36100 using Android Tablet Forum
Hey daprospecta,
Nice job. I seen your video and read most your postings on installing market. I wanted to say apparently their is more the one way to do it. I did it as well but did not do half the steps you indicated. All I did was use z4root, on my coby 7024 (apparently it does not do a full root but it does enable market) then installed googleservivesframework.apk then installed , rebooted then signed into my google account and I was in!

I want to learn all about Android system as well, can you tell me where you got that ebook you mentioned you found? I want to learn how to write apps as well. ;-)

z4root can be found on as well as xda forums and

ere is links to googleservicessframework.apk and vending.apk for people who will need it.
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Thanks for the explanations - I was able to put Android Market on my new tablet easily. Two things I noticed though afterwards - 1) The screen seems to turn on by itself every few minutes and then turn itself off after a few seconds (not too big a deal I guess), but more importantly 2) Something seems to be wrong with my WiFi - the best I'm getting is ~90 Kb/S download - not nearly enough to play youtube videos or surf the internet. My router works fine, and *I think* this wasn't a problem before installing the new files. Did I do something to the wifi? Is there some kind of fix? Thanks in advance for the help.