To Root or Not to Root?

So, thinking outloud. At some point, after removing (yet again) the sdk, and .android folder, and every instance of nookie I can find in the device manager (and allowing much of that by killing any still running adb process), then at some point, I am told to remove the Nook. Then I install, yet again, the adb pack. Then, the android has to be plugged back in. Problem is, what keeps the thing from yet again auto-installing the undesired device drivers again. I'm going to go repeat it again now, but fear the repeat will just be a repeat ;)
Okay....when you install the the android-sdk-windows folder

Then open the usb_driver folder

Then click INSTALL

Now hook up your nook and see what happens
I hear you. parting thought before I crash for the night. Something that's been bugging me, regardless of method, is that when it comes time to update the usb driver from the usb folder in the sdk, it always responds back that there is no compatible driver. What is the exact file-type and file-name that should be visible there? I want to make sure it's not a simple problem there.

running that _seems_ to work (i.e. no explicit error messages) but when I go to run adb.exe, it notes the daemon isn't running, starts it, and then reports back a blank line after 'list of device attached'

No matter what, I alway end up with the device recognized and diskdrives/portable devices, and never a USB composite device.. Not sure if that's related or not.. OK, I'm really going to go sleep this time.
Been doing some reading over on xda by the adb pack developer and just read their 9page dialog and it gave me some new ideas IO'll try tomorrow. fun fun :)
OK, I couldn't resist one last test. EUREKA. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'd actually been close quite a while, but besides all Vic's awesome help, Matt gave me some info, and something that was bugging me (where I mentioned that it kept auto installing and not letting me specify driver) finally clicked. In reality, Matt had all but handed me the solution pages ago, but I was too dumb to have recognized it. Problem was, the Nook was actually in FIVE (count'em, 5) places in my device manager and I was only getting at most 4 of them removed. The 5th one Matt had mentioned a long time ago, and was in USB devices, but I wasn't looking at the right parameter (VID) under details. Chucked that, but it still gave me the 4 other entries back automatically, but not the 5th: progress. Then worked on figuring out the auto install by some googling, and then finding a reference to pretty much the same issue over on XDA. Had to tell Windows (under Control Panel | System) to not update drivers automatically. So, I uninstalled everything from Device manager one last time, ran the ADB-pack one more time, and it took a lot longer, but I now have device manager entries for Disk Drive, Nook, Composite Android Device etc etc, and running the command line tool (ADB) now starts the daemon and returns my Nook's serial number. Hooray and Eureka. Time of a nip of scotch and beddy-bye. THANKS AGAIN TO ALL WHO HELPED!
I'm too tired to actually use it now, but I have the tool in place. Thanks again so much all.
I'm on it. Now, having vast experience in how NOT to do it, I was able to get it all running on one of my desktops in under 10 minutes, and most of that was finding the adb-pack (since everything else was bookmarked on the laptop), downloading said file, and making a chicken sandwhich. Having never had the nook plugged in before sure does eliminate a lot device manager sleuthing.
Hi NC Rooters! I obtained my Nook Color today with every intention of rooting it. What fun it has been so far...and so easy to do/undo.
1) opened it up...charged it
2) linked NC to my gmail account
3) downloaded 1.1 and updated my 1.0.1 EASY EASY EASY
4) followed instructions that published
5) rebooted to rooted Nook
6) connected to home wireless
7) opened up gmail and registered it to my rooted nc
8) THIS IS IMPORTANT -> PICKED A NEW ANDROID ZEAM and make it my new HOME button launcher
9) using Calibre to put reading material on my NC and downloading all sorts of fun apps.
10) enjoy myself!
Hi NC Rooters! I obtained my Nook Color today with every intention of rooting it. What fun it has been so far...and so easy to do/undo.
1) opened it up...charged it
2) linked NC to my gmail account
3) downloaded 1.1 and updated my 1.0.1 EASY EASY EASY
4) followed instructions that published
5) rebooted to rooted Nook
6) connected to home wireless
7) opened up gmail and registered it to my rooted nc
8) THIS IS IMPORTANT -> PICKED A NEW ANDROID ZEAM and make it my new HOME button launcher
9) using Calibre to put reading material on my NC and downloading all sorts of fun apps.
10) enjoy myself!

Now that is what I like to read...someone who made it through the entire rooting process without a hitch! Excellent news...oh, and welcome to the forums. Hope you enjoy your stay. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask (but you might want to do a quick search to see if perhaps its been answered already...I know it was like that for me when I first got here...lots of questions, and look, someone answered them already)

I see you are using Calibre...Have you used Sigil at all? Its not an android app, but a pc app, and it sure has helped me fix some of the epubs I found on the epubs with only one or two chapters listed (in a 500 page book). Anyway, its a great way to edit epubs. I had one epub that showed three chapter points in calibre, so I opened the file in Sigil and BAM! it found all the right chapter points right off the bat...then I just saved it and used Calibre to put the cover on it and get the metadata right. Two great tools.
Hi NC Rooters! I obtained my Nook Color today with every intention of rooting it. What fun it has been so far...and so easy to do/undo.
1) opened it up...charged it
2) linked NC to my gmail account
3) downloaded 1.1 and updated my 1.0.1 EASY EASY EASY
4) followed instructions that published
5) rebooted to rooted Nook
6) connected to home wireless
7) opened up gmail and registered it to my rooted nc
8) THIS IS IMPORTANT -> PICKED A NEW ANDROID ZEAM and make it my new HOME button launcher
9) using Calibre to put reading material on my NC and downloading all sorts of fun apps.
10) enjoy myself!

Awesome! Welcome aboard.