Access shared audio directory on network and transmit audio - Is this possible?


Dec 2, 2010
Hi All,

Up far too early researching tablets again and I had a thought. I'm currently in the process of setting up a home entertainment network and was planning to set up a quiet cheap pc with a network connection to my main pc to play mp3s via the audio amp I have in the kitchen/dining room.

Question: (Forgive the complete lack of knowledge in this area I'm only just starting with tablets/android) Could I use a tablet to access the shared network drive over wifi and then are there any wireless audio senders that anyone is aware of that I could use to transmit the audio to the amp?

This would obviously have power use implications and if no audio transmitter is available I could just hard wire it to the amp but I like the idea of selecting songs from the tablet whilst cooking/drinking etc. :D

Thanks for any advice.


Well, there is AutoHTN for Android, if you are configured that way. If you have Squeezebox set up, you can control it via Squeeze Commander which is a Sonos implementation. These might be places to start looking.

At least until Marvin time travels your way Zarniwoop and you can setup part of his gigantic brain to do it.....
Well, there is AutoHTN for Android, if you are configured that way. If you have Squeezebox set up, you can control it via Squeeze Commander which is a Sonos implementation. These might be places to start looking.

At least until Marvin time travels your way Zarniwoop and you can setup part of his gigantic brain to do it.....

Ah I think AutoHTN is a home automation controller correct? Sorry I probably overcomplicated with question with my musings... :)

All I'm really looking to do is access a shared directory on a network and then play the audio file on the tablet and transmit the audio to the amp somehow, actually now that I think about this would a bluetooth audio receiver be a better option?

A quick check on the cheap tablets doesn't reveal lots of bluetooth options, anyone got any suggestions for a 10" cheap tablet with bluetooth? Only used for audio playback and wifi nothing else.
Hi I am already doing this with my dell streak tablet.

What I have is a basic low power linux server running squeeze centre. I have a few squeezeboxes around the house connected to amp and speakers.
And I control it all from my android tablet.
I have tried various squeeze remote programs. but I prefer the built in skin for the nokia 770 tablet.
you can get this by opening http://yourserveripaddress:9000/nokia770

So I can control any of the music players from anywhere in the world from any web browser.

You mesoned file sharing over wifi on android I do this using "es file explorer". it allows me to accsess samba network drives on my android tablet.

you can also stream music from you squeezecentre to your android device. but there is a bit of lag.
this is how I set it up. stream music to your android phone.

I am also using the server to control devices around the house

the server also records and streams video around the house using mythtv. which I can control from my android tablet.

hope this helps.
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or if its a shared folder on your network you can access it from a file browser and that will stream, only problem is when the song is over you are going to need to manually click the next one (prolly depends on the browser).