Advice for me?


May 23, 2011
Hey- I like the idea of that "why do I buy" thread, but it seems to have grown out of control without any useful responses lately.

So, I'd like to throw my "which model do you recommend for me" question out here in the open forum, if that's OK, and hope some of you can steer me in the right direction!

Here's the thing- I was originally not sold on the idea of a tablet since I already have a netbook and an Android phone, but when I saw the Nook Color being rooted and running the Android market for $250, I suddenly thought it would be a fun toy to tinker with (I'm a tinkerer by nature).

But now I'm realizing that tablets have come down in price, and suddenly for my $250, the nook color seems to lack some fun Android features (GPS, camera, compass, etc).

I've starting looking into the Galaxy Tab, but to be honest, there was something that seemed kind of laggy about it in the store. Could have been just the store display model, but it didn't move as smoothly as my Optimus S handset, which surprised me (since the Optimus is a budget handset).

Someone mentioned the Viewsonic G-tab, and said they liked it, but now I'm noticing there are so many options I haven't considered!

That being said, here's what I'm looking for (in order of priority):
Should be able to run flash
Have decent battery life
Have a FF camera
Have a community following (love me those custom roms)
Should be comparable in price to Nook Color or original Galaxy Tab (no $700 Xoom, etc, this is just for tinkering!)
Video out would be great, but not necessary.
Ability to run Netflix (hacked or not)

What do you guys think?
That being said, here's what I'm looking for (in order of priority):
Should be able to run flash
Have decent battery life
Have a FF camera
Have a community following (love me those custom roms)
Should be comparable in price to Nook Color or original Galaxy Tab (no $700 Xoom, etc, this is just for tinkering!)
Video out would be great, but not necessary.
Ability to run Netflix (hacked or not)

What do you guys think?

I have the Viewsonic G-tablet and here in terms of your wishlist:

Runs Flash, on most of the ROMs out there. Currently running 10.3 on mine
My battery lasts about 7 hours for web browser, epubs, kindle, email and music. Dont really do movies so can't tell you what that does to the battery
1.3 Mp FF camera
I am currently running Honeycomb, courtesy of the Dev Community. Prior to this I have run Vegan Gingerbread, and about 10 other ROMs
Can be had for between $275 and $310 new
Video out is HDMI from the dock ($30 for the dock), and is available on certain ROMs
Neflix available on CM7.
Thanks, pbrauer.
Looks like the Samsung Galaxy tab 7" is about the same price as the Viewsonic G-tab these days. I wasn't impressed with the Sammy store display, but it probably wasn't a good demonstration so I haven't ruled it out entirely yet.
If I am not mistaken, the Samsung has GPS and possibly some other things the Viewsonic does not.

Anyone have any opinions of the two tabs in comparison?
Thanks, pbrauer.
Looks like the Samsung Galaxy tab 7" is about the same price as the Viewsonic G-tab these days. I wasn't impressed with the Sammy store display, but it probably wasn't a good demonstration so I haven't ruled it out entirely yet.
If I am not mistaken, the Samsung has GPS and possibly some other things the Viewsonic does not.

Anyone have any opinions of the two tabs in comparison?

If you can get the OS up to Honeycomb like a few posters above said, you would be golden with the G-Tab.
is there a chinise site that sells g-tablets or any other tablets?
Ebay amazon or walmart does not work for me, they wont ship down to brazil =((
here is an android tablet wholesaler from china
They source the latest model and best cheap wholesale Android Tablets. They are confident that we can offer our resellers a selection of android tablets with the most competitive prices and best price-performance.