ADWLauncher w/Widgets & Corrected Notification Bar


Senior Member
Feb 4, 2011

Hello everybody, first time actually posting here but i figured i'd share on here
what i found out through trial and error... Since there is not much posting going
on here, hopefully it helps those who can't figure this out.

NOTE: there are some graphical glitches if you have widgets on your screen,
the picture may get stuck in the notification bar after rebooting, basically just open any app
and the notification bar will reset.

First, install ADWLauncher or any custom launcher you prefer.
then install AppWidgetPicker from this thread
[App] AppWidgetPicker - xda-developers

Rename it to AppWidgetPicker.apk

then open up adb/terminal and:
adb remount
adb push AppWidgetPicker.apk /system/app/

then you need to correct the permissions (VERY IMPORTANT)
adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/AppWidgetPicker.apk
for safe measures, reboot.
now you should have a working custom launcher with widgets...

Now it leaves us with one problem, the Notification bar overlays a blue taskbar
and back button over the clock and rest of the notification bar.

Now there are 2 ways i've found to fix this. i've heard about freezing the
EmotionUI Launcher but i have no idea what that means, so i've come up
with this.


Head back into adb:
adb remount
adb shell

when in shell ($)
cd /system/app/

now your looking for Launcher.apk & Launcher.odex
either (backup both Launcher.apk & Launcher.odex!)
mv /system/app/Launcher.apk /sdcard/Launcher.apk
mv /system/app/Launcher.odex /sdcard/Launcher.odex

or just completely remove it!
rm /system/app/Launcher.*

Finish with:
adb uninstall
after this, Hit your home button and BAM!

if your wondering, yes the Emotion widgets DO WORK you may have a problem
where the row or column size don't show when placing it, but u can just fill it in,
then resize to your liking.

this can also be done in root explorer.
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Great tutorial, but this info was posted a few days ago ;)

Sent from my nonsensikal froyo
yeah i saw the adw with widgets, but i didn't see anywhere of how to correct the Notification Bar... if u could point me to that, this one won't matter anymore.
You just need to remove(or rename) from your system the original launcher.apk. Everything is up there on the main post.
You just need to remove(or rename) from your system the original launcher.apk. Everything is up there on the main post.

@goodoane are you referring to this post? or the post in the Huawei Tablets section.
"if your wondering, yes the Emotion widgets DO WORK you may have a problem
where the row or column size don't show when placing it, but u can just fill it in,
then resize to your liking."

joenilan, How did you get the emotion widgets to resize and work?
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I have tried to do this. I have read everywhere that it is so easy...It's proving a challenge to me. I have done apps2sd- link2sd-so I am having some success. Just not with this one.

I have downloaded the appwidgetpicker. Changed the name to AppWidgetPicker.apk and installed in my tablet. When I go to adb and issue command adb remount I get remount failed-operation not permitted. If I do adb shell>su>the adb remount I get- adb not found. If I do push AppWidgetPicker.apk /system/app/, I get not found.

What am I doing wrong. I also tried superoneclick- did not work

from xda-Instructions:
* Download the attached APK file
* Rename it to "AppWidgetPicker.apk"
* copy it to /system/app
* make sure it has the same file permissions as the other files in that directory
* maybe reboot.

Where is the file for /system/app? It's not on my internal card. It's not under data file. I made a file on my internal card /system/app but didn't seem to change anything. So I deleted it and tried again. Same result.

from xda-Edit:
After inspecting the whole log:
You have installed the APK (which causes it to be installed to /data/app)
just copy it to /system/app instead of installing it... That should do the trick (uninstall it first )

So I uninstall apk from tablet- that I get. How do you copy into system/ app folder? Can't find it.
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OK- found the files with blackmoon file browser. All the files are locked. How do I drop the new AppWidgetPicker,apk into this file?
You need to have root.
then do this:
adb shell
you get#
# mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock1 /system
adb push /sdcard/AppWidgetPicker.apk /system/app >>>>>>that mean to have the AppwidgetPicker.apk on the root of the Internal storage(sdcard)
adb shell
chmod 644 /system/app/AppWidgetPicker.apk
mount -o ro,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock1 /system

and that is.
OMG :D-Goodoane that is extremely clear. In all my reading this is the best how to for the android challenged! Thank you so much!!! I'll give it a try and post back! <3
Well I must be back to android idiot. I have

1. put the AppPickerWidget.apk into the root of my internal card-(just loose-no file)
2. opened adb- did su- got #- put in the mount line. Hit enter and closed window.
3. Reopened adb and did the push line. I'm getting "cannot stat ' /sd card /AppWidgetPicker.apk':no such file or directory".
Rechecked my internal- apk is there as named AppWidgetPicker.apk.

I do not see busybox in the root of the internal card. I am using the one asso with titanium backup. When I did the apps2sd the busybox file was in the root. Do I need to put busybox in the root of the internal card?
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I see that image on the first post
i removed the Luncher.* files
even after a reboot the default notification/task bar returns
what is wrong?
@ goodoane- then I did the same except used exit as a command line. finished the command lines with adb push /sdcard/AppWidgetPicker.apk /system/app - got "permission denied". ;(

So I followed all lines as command lines and still no go. Can anyone see what I am doing wrong?

I'm doing this on my PC. Does this need to be done on the tablet thru terminal? I'm missing something!
"make sure it has the same file permissions as the other files in that directory"- How do you do this?
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"if your wondering, yes the Emotion widgets DO WORK you may have a problem
where the row or column size don't show when placing it, but u can just fill it in,
then resize to your liking."

joenilan, How did you get the emotion widgets to resize and work?
what launcher are you using? if you're using adw when yo goto place it it asks you to set the sizes, just make sure both sizes has a number in it and then place it. it should work, i only use the music widget and the weather one, but they both work.