Android 2.2 Froyo on Archos 7


Staff member
Dec 15, 2009
Has anyone been able to get Android 2.2 (Froyo) successfully working on the Archos 7?
I just bought the product, Archos 7, but I am very disappointed. Was indicated in the specifications Froyo Android 2.2 whereas it is not true?
@fba_ - Where did you purchase your 7? Do you have a link? Did the specs on that page that you ordered from show 2.2?

Just curious if there is some confusion (or perhaps mis-representation) here betw the older Archos 7, and the just released Archos 70.

Also, are you located in Europe? Have seen other posts indicating that Archos released the 70 in Europe with 2.1, even though the website indicated 2.2.
as cmhdiamond stated, make sure it's not the older Archos 7 or Archos 7 home tablet, you need to make sure it is the archos 70, not 7. Hope this helps.
Yeah looks like you picked up the Archos 7 Home Tablet instead of the Archos 70 Internet Tablet, i'd suggest returning it!