Archos - 7 HT Android 2.2?


Nov 21, 2010
I was looking at the Archos 7 HT Andoid tablet to use for mostly for the Google apps. The only con is that is doe not run on Andoid 2.2. I really want to use it for editing documents on Google docs at school, and Google Voice.

  • Is there any way to get it to run on Android 2.2. and working with these two Google apps?
  • Or are there any other tablets that can run on Android 2.2?:confused:
The Archos 7 also known as the Archos HT is old technology. It was designed and build with Android 1.5 and a similar processor. The Archos models which are running 2.2 are the 70 and the 101. There is over on Archosfans a community effort to get Archos 2.2 on th 7 but it would be a fractured build and likey kludged as well.

This is why you are able to pick up the Archos 7 for cheaper and cheaper prices. It was in the Best Buy ad today for $170. It is in my opinion a good but dead end product. You will be hitting yourself up the side of the head after you get it. I speak from personal experience. I got mine as a reconditioned unit for a lower price. It is fine for a large PMP or E-Reader, but not what you are looking for.

In regards to other products which can run 2.2. I must ask, how hot is your Android "fever"? There will be a number of units on sales between now and Christmas offered with 2.2. But what many of the larger name manufacturers are doing is waiting until Gingerbread/Honeycomb is out and rolling their builds with 2.3/3.0.
There are three classes of Android tablets right now. Stay Away, OK now but will be obsolete soon and good to buy.
The Stay away are any units which use the VIA 8505 or Rockchip 2808,
The OK now, but will be obsolete soon include the Samsung S3, Telechip 8902, ZT180, and IMT Freescale.
The Good to buy are Cortex A8, Samsung S5, Tecra or any of the dual processor units.

The reason I use processor and not brand names is the use of the label APad, EPad, IRobot can all have low-end to mid range processors.
The price you will need to be willing to pay for a decent unit is $250+, The cost for a 7 inch capacitive screen, TCC 8902, and the other core components will all be at minimum $170 but to get one with decent support is the extra $80-100USD.

If you read the forum, you will see continuous requests for help from individuals who bought low and are depending upon community support as there is no support from the Vendor. The tablet which you want will cost more, but you will have a "learning experience" if you buy low otherwise.

Bottom line: Available Now: The Viewsonic is a bit unstable. The Samsung Tab pricey, The eLocity, mmmaybe. The Archos 70 or 101, if you could get your hands on one might be just right. The WITs/MIDNite is OK, but you will be frustrated unless you get one of the new units with a G-Sensor. Otherwise, it is best to wait.