Can any Tablet allow watching video AND web browsing at same time?


Dec 22, 2011
Hi, I have been searching for weeks and haven't found an answer. I owned an ipad and returned it as it couldn;t do this!
Is there any Tablet out there that can allow me to watch a video (can be small sized!) while at the same time writing an email, or browsing the internet, or writing a document? I often need to be watching soemthing and writing at the same time based on what i'm watching and definitely on the ipad the video needed to be closed if i wanted to email... Any help is much welcome!
Just so I am sure I understand what you are asking for, you want something like a split screen or picture in picture option where on the one window you have a vid playing and in the other an editor or different app?
Just so I am sure I understand what you are asking for, you want something like a split screen or picture in picture option where on the one window you have a vid playing and in the other an editor or different app?

exactly! you described it perfectly. A way that i can be watching the video (preferable if i can customize the video window size would be good but not essential) and be able to open emails, or a web page.
There are a couple of projects underway looking at this that I am aware of, but nothing that is bearing fruit yet. Perhaps with the more powerful video capabilities of the newer tabs this may be available in the next year, but I don't know.

Currently it is not possible. I saw this demo of Onskreen Cornerstone and it looks promising:

Onskreen is currently only looking to work with OEM hardware manufacturers. Some devs from XDA asked about trying this in a ROM and they were shot down by Onskreen.

Hopefully in the near future it will be happening, but currently it is not an option.
Hi, I have been searching for weeks and haven't found an answer. I owned an ipad and returned it as it couldn;t do this!
Is there any Tablet out there that can allow me to watch a video (can be small sized!) while at the same time writing an email, or browsing the internet, or writing a document? I often need to be watching soemthing and writing at the same time based on what i'm watching and definitely on the ipad the video needed to be closed if i wanted to email... Any help is much welcome!

Just one,

The Blackberry Playbook.

It is one of the features I like about it the most. If you set it to show-case mode, it will leave apps running in the background when you switch. When I use it to watch a movie, I often swipe over to my browser during boring moments to check emails, and the movie continues to play in the background. Then, when I hear the action is picking up, I just swipe back to the video, and continue watching.

edit: it doesn't actually display the video while you are listening to it, but its the closest you are going to get. The only other option is to get a full-blown Windows-tablet.
Just one,

The Blackberry Playbook.

It is one of the features I like about it the most. If you set it to show-case mode, it will leave apps running in the background when you switch. When I use it to watch a movie, I often swipe over to my browser during boring moments to check emails, and the movie continues to play in the background. Then, when I hear the action is picking up, I just swipe back to the video, and continue watching.

edit: it doesn't actually display the video while you are listening to it, but its the closest you are going to get. The only other option is to get a full-blown Windows-tablet.

Thanks so much for your reply. Hmm so it seems that a windows tablet is what I'm after as I need to be able to watch the video at the same time. Really appreciate your response. Now I need to see if there's a 3G or 4g windows tablet on a us cellphone network!
Thanks so much for your reply. Hmm so it seems that a windows tablet is what I'm after as I need to be able to watch the video at the same time. Really appreciate your response. Now I need to see if there's a 3G or 4g windows tablet on a us cellphone network!

You are welcome,

There are some Win tablets with 3G, but since it would run Windows, you can of course pick up one of those USB adapters from Verizon or something and plug that in whenever you need to.
I know that this is an android forum but any recommendations for one?

As mentioned above its possible that soon android tablets will do it so should I wait?
I've been trying to get something similar to work for Android, but without any luck. There is the Kyocera Echo that runs a customized Android, which can run 2 apps at once due to a splitscreen, and I believe it alternates between the 2, but I don't think anything will be on a tablet soon that will enable such multi-tasking ability. Most of the apps are designed to run full-screen.

I don't have any suggestions for a Windows tablet either. It all depends on your budget and the amount of power you need. Last year I picked up a used Gateway laptop with a rotating screen so you could make it into a tablet for $150, which runs Windows XP pretty decent. I also have a tiny Sony UX 280 UMPC, which runs XP and Windows 7 pretty well. I got that one from eBay for $200 a while ago. Asus has a Windows Slate for about a grand, and I think Viewsonic has one for about 600.
i think i may wait to see what the new wave of tablets in 2012 will be like, perhaps the new android software will support it or ipad 3...thanks for the advice!
I recieved an email from Cornerstone today that Onskreen is now open source. This looks like it does exactly what I need - if it could be installed on the Samsung Galaxy or Xyboard and I could be able to watch in one part of the screen and use the web or another app in another then it's just what I need. The only thing is that it seems that at this stage it seems to be just for developers or people who know what they are doing. Any advice?
Yeah - At the present there is not a tablet that has the ability to surf the web and watch videos. A definate must for future tablets and I am sure that its soon to come.