Can anyone please help?


Aug 16, 2012
H, i,
I bought a 7" android tablet from a company called Finesight via Amazon UK It came with no operating instructions or brand name as far as i could see but i think they called it Fineslate, however i have pin locked the home screen and gone and forgotten the pin number, i know, gross incompetence, I know it only cost about $130 us but i don't just want to throw it away, I'd be grateful if anyone has any idea how i can unlock it or even reset it. It has the volume and power buttons on top and what seems like a reset button alongside, i even tried putting the pin in wrong to see if it would let me reset using my google account but after 105 times i gave up. Anyway I hope someone has the answer for me, i'd be very much obliged if so, Thanks for looking anyway.:confused::confused:
Welcome to the forum

What you tried 105 times would/should have worked, only if the WiFi was on. If it was off your only option is a factory reset.

Not knowing any more about your tablet I can only suggest this.

With the tablet powered off, hold down the volume down key and then at the same time the power button. If it gets you to where you need to be you would see some white writing upper left, then you can release both buttons. 2 icons may appear and taping the down volume may select wipe data.

All of this is a WAG at best.
Sorry, i tried that but the wifi is on and nothing doing, guess i'll just have to ditch this one and buy a better, safer option.
just a quick update, the suppliers didn't know how to unlock it either, so they are apparently trying to find out from the manufacturers, my hopes are not high,lol
My tablet is now unlocked thanks to some very nice people at Finesight UK who listened patiently to my inane mutterings and provided a new os and the means to install it. I can't thank them enough. Ok it wasn't an Ipad or any of the top end models but to not even have gotten a few months usage out of it would have been a right royal pain. Thanks also to Leeshor for taking the time out to try and help also. Will be more careful of pins and passwords in future.
Thanks for the update!

Glad you got it sorted.

Those iPads are not all they are cracked up to be, I still like android vs iOS any day for my tablet.