Dropad A8i Camera problem


Jan 23, 2012
Hi Folks -

I've just purchased 2 Dropad A8i tablets for my daughters. After realising they didn't have 'full' access to the market, I did a bit of research into the firmwares that were out there (couldn't root the stock firmware). Anyway, after flashing, bricking (well, black screening!) and finally recovering the tablet I managed to try a number of firmwares on there. Unfortunately somewhere along the line I seem to have lost the camera!

I thought I might be able to recover it by flashing the original firmware back on but I can't find it anywhere (downloads are disabled on saayi.com). I managed to find a slightly older one 20110727.152212 (vs the newer 20111024.162719) and installed with the 1.2Ghz u-boot.bin but the camera app still doesn't work.

The second tablet remains untouched so I was wondering if there is something on there I can transfer to the broken one? Maybe some device ID or something like that? Or does anyone have a download link for 'Mid serials 2.3 Gingerbread 20111024.162719' ?

Any help gratefully appreciated!