Excelvan 7" - Screen Blank After Power On


Dec 29, 2013
Got a tablet for xmas.... its been working fine.... pressed "display settings" symbol on the icon page .... which is next to an "internet" symbol & a "refresh" symbol.... & since doing this.... the screen has gone blank..... when the tablet is powered on... the "excelvan" logo page comes on... followed by the "android" logo page.... then the screen goes blank.... if i press the volume control buttons, they make a sound... but i cant get the tablet to do anything else...

Has anybody got any idea how to remedy this please...

PS... i can connect via a lead to my laptop & see the tablet details & info on there ... if there is a way to control it that way...
Had a look at factory resetting... nothing is working.... son has an acer icona... & that was easy to restore to factory settings.... this tablet has no reset button.. & holding the power on button plus volume up or down button is doing nothing either... i am a bit lost as to what else to try?
Finally got it working.... after faffing about for days... we found an answer on another topic thread on here.... we couldnt do any factory resets as the screen was just blank... so we stood in a darkened room.... shone a torch at the screen & we could just make out a very dim screen... put in the password.. clicked on settings & found display & brightness... changed the brightness back to the level we needed & saved it...

hey presto!... we are sorted!