Forum Structure Discussion


Staff member
Jul 9, 2010
Do you guys have any suggestions as to how we need to structure the forums?

The market is still largely dominated by Generic tablets, and probably will be for a good 2-3 months.

I've created a Specific Tablets to try to centralize dicussion on the more important current and upcoming devices on the market.

Still looking for ideas.
I think we should have just a "HELP" section so any one that has a question can just throw it in there and get advice at least until more specific tablets come out and have their own forum section for help questions, because from what i see in the "new posts" are new members saying hi and people asking for help.
Newbie specific forums is a good idea. I'll give that some thought this weekend.

Hardware subforums by chipset is the only way that makes sense, but it's a little hard on the end-user to figure out when this was implemented over at SD under my suggestion.

Not sure what you mean by user specified sticky. Do you mean thread subscriptions?

New section.

Shopping discussions are here to stay in this section for now. I was thinking of possibly making a Shopping Section, but this section is filled with this sort of thing right now...

I don't really like how we have the Specific Tablets section under Discussion right now... But then it draws people to the section I think...

Bringing it out and seeing how that fares...
H.P. I understand your potential for frustration. I know you have seen this same situation on other boards. This board is new, so it takes patience for the more experienced technically to steer past the continuous new member questions.

There are three dangers with any board. I have been on enough that I have seen them all.
1. There is so much churn of repetitive questions, the more experienced user moves on to another board.
2. There is too much in the depth discussions which do not allow new users to join in and feel left out.
3. The discussions become either personal, off topic or poorly moderated and chaos ensues.

If there is not new visitors, and returning visitors the board dies. If there is not new content, the board dies. If the board is not adequately moderated/admin'd the board dies. I think you have many good points and add value. Be patient. The tablet is changing quickly. So the Android tablet will attempt to adapt.

My suggestion is we might consider at a later time an advanced Forum, which would be contolled to a greater level to minimize the n00b questions. But am unsure when as we are all learning as we go on some of the technology.

I am still kneehigh to a grasshopper in this realm.
Just realized the New Layout. I like it. If you have been here before, It has changed. But for the better.