Greetings from a new Asus Transformer Prime user


Apr 16, 2012
Okay, so I'm not quite yet officially an owner of a Transformer Prime - it's ordered and due here tomorrow. Can hardly wait!

I may be new to Android, but I'm not new to computers. I grew up programming on old TRS-80s (bonus points if you know what those are). My first home computer was that wonder of modern civilization, the Vic-20, followed soon by the beloved Commodore 64. Then it was on to MS-DOS and PC-compatibles. I did convert to the dark side when it came to my phone and got an iPhone 3GS (upgraded in October to the 4S). But when it came to get a tablet, I decided Android was a better choice than iPad. Why? I'm hoping to get back into programming and Android seemed to be a better choice for that. The fact that Android tablets can truly multitask. And finally, I tried 'em both out at Best Buy (iPad 3 vs. TF Prime) and the Prime just won me over.

I'll be asking a lot of questions, as this is an entirely new platform for me and I'd rather not have to buy a book or two to help me find my way.
Greetings to you as well, congratulations on your new Transformer and welcome to the forum. Glad you decided to go the Android route. Before doing anything with that new tablet, I'd suggest you read this thread on "breaking in" a brand new tablet. After you've had a chance to play with it for a while and are ready to get more information or ask some of those questions, just click this link Asus Tablets and you'll be magically transported to the land of Asus here at ATF. That's where all the experts on that tablet can be found and the place to learn more about it by reading the existing threads and posting new ones when your question isn't already being discussed. Enjoy the forum and your new tablet!
Thanks for the information. I will try out those links. I also signed up on for more specific info on the Asus. It will be a learning experience, but I'm pretty excited about it.
Welcome to the forum Crazy. We had a couple of TRS80s in my house as well. I learned more on the TI99 though :)
Between the two fora, you probably won't have to buy any of those books you were trying to avoid.:rolleyes: My friend Frederuco has a thread over there that's an excellent FAQ for the TF and related issues, be sure to check it out: Frederuco's Fantastical Forum Favorites! Enjoy the learning experience, it's the only time you'll be learning about your first tablet.:cool:
That's an awesome link. Will be busy reading tonight while my tablet is charging. Sucks having to wait 8 hours before I get to play with it. So I either stay up until 2 in the morning or play with it on the bus ride to work tomorrow morning!
CrazyOkie said:
That's an awesome link. Will be busy reading tonight while my tablet is charging. Sucks having to wait 8 hours before I get to play with it. So I either stay up until 2 in the morning or play with it on the bus ride to work tomorrow morning!

Probably won't take 8 hours to charge honestly, I know I couldn't sleep anyway before that little led turns green :)
Probably won't take 8 hours to charge honestly, I know I couldn't sleep anyway before that little led turns green :)

But I thought I saw somewhere that to get optimal battery life you really need to let it go the full amount of time and then go through some complete discharge/recharge cycles.
Either way, I survived, barely :^)