Have some patience and dont buy a tablet now!


Dec 25, 2010
Everybody, CES is one week away. Every tablet of your dreams will be launched at CES and available within weeks.

Anything designed pre-Honeycomb may not be fully compatible. Honeycomb will take advantage of screens over 1024 x 600 like Motorola Xoom 1280 x 800.

Honeycomb is being designed around the Tegra 2 processor so if you must buy now get this processor, 512MB ram and a decent screen. Don't buy what you can't see or return if you don't like.
It is a good thought but of no consolation for the post-Christmas owners. This same statement was made in different words by me back in October about waiting.

The real issue here is the standard rule of technology. There will always be a newer version in 3-6 months.

One word of note. There is contrary to some rumors no CPU bottom end and no stated minimum memory. (So a ARM8 with 256 should be functional with 2.3/2.4 -Gingerbread/Honeycomb) The other side of the coin is that like Windows or Linux is each newer version can take advantage of newer processors and more memory. So in that way you are right. You should always buy best processor and maximum memory available. That said, you can say the same thing come Sept 2011 when it will be suggested to wait for the 1Gb and faster multi-core processor.
CES is a week away but many of the new tables introduced won't be available for months. I was kind of on the fence myself but at some point you need to just do it. The way I figure it, I have my new S7 to play with now and to enjoy (and hopefully hack) while I wait for the next round. There will always be something better, faster and cheaper around the corner; that's the nature of technology.

Of course I say this now and the S7 with capacitive screen will probably drop in the next week or so… :eek:
Price drop should be a major concern. When there is a new jump in technology like tablets the existing stocks may drop significantly in price. Either case waiting 2 - 4 weeks is prudent at this point.
If I knew you, I would take you up on the bet. I will wager, prices will stabilize and not change until April. The Acer, the Lenovo, the LG introduction will have the biggest impact and are not scheduled until March/April. They were waiting for 2.3/2.4 and stable integration of Multi-core Android processing

There are other variables which I cannot take into account. The IPad2 will impact IPad pricing. The Ubuntu tablet running on ARM and the MS Win running on ARM will affect but not impact the pricing. It will be the delivery to the stores. People will be recovering over next 2-3 months from Christmas/holiday purchases. In most instances, Big Box and Internet Shops flatten or let inventory drop until Spring.
I guess we will have to wait and see. Anyway its a gentlemen's bet. I think the fervor over Android tabs is at an all time high right now and the scenario you explained above should lower price as sellers jockey for position trying to capture some of the iPad market. The hard part will be getting a quality tab without a data contract (wifi only). I hope some of these hit retailers, hardware only sellers.
This reminds of discussions during the IBM cone war, back then you started with a box, snapped on some parts, put a name on the box and pray it would sell; some makes a ton of money, some just fade away. Yours truly bite the dust and lost a bundle!
Nowadays, everybody goes to China, buy a few tablets and put a name on it and pray it would sell!

When I got a tablet about a year ago, tears is beaming, for I had tried to make the same thing ten years ago, not as fancy but just an internet device; back then technologies was not available or too costly to do so, back-burner it goes.

In North American, the tablets is a new gadget and toy, but I saw it as a new tool to level the field of technology have and have not; the price point of an entry level tablet has made it possible for those who can not afford a ticket to the information technology.

In China,the government has done quite a bit to put information for farming--price for crops, usage of pesticides, improve yield etc on the Net, now vendors are pushing the tablet to the villagers and farmers, they can have this tool for the prices of a few bushels of corns!

All I really want to say is that, gadgets are fun to have when you have the coins, just give some thought to those who doesn't, when you play.

Happy New Year to all!
It might be the American appetite for technology the got us here in the first place. The Chinese farmers would not have a tab without our appetite.
The average income of a Chinese citizen is less than $2800US yearly.

Chinese farmers earn much less. They aren't buying tabs, most villages
still have communal TV's let alone a tab. Get Real.
The average income of a Chinese citizen is less than $2800US yearly.

Chinese farmers earn much less. They aren't buying tabs, most villages
still have communal TV's let alone a tab. Get Real.

Well, you have internet connection, use it and find out what's happening in the world.
Can't help those who don't want to learn!!
I'd have to agree on the patience.

CES might have a better option for those out there looking to buy a tablet and is only a week away!

I really like the T-mobile Samsung Galaxy tablet but I'm hoping (aka praying) that the dual core / 4g / honeycomb tablets that come out at CES knock some sense into samsung into lowering the price to $250 with a 2 year contract! :)