Help with downloads please


Mar 17, 2011
Hi All, I have recently purchased a sylvania tablet and am generally pleased, considering the price point, with its performance. However, I have been unable to download any apps using slideme or any ebooks using Laputa?. I have installed the 16GB memory card and it is recognized by the system but somehow slideme and laputa seem unable to direct the download requests to the memory card.

I am not a big techie type but I generally can figure things out. This one is stymying me. Does anyone have any advice or help?

Thanks in advance, it has been interesting reading the other threads.
Hmm, so what happens, do you get an "unable to download", or a force close error? You could try formatting the SD card using the tablet, there's an option for that in settings/SD card & memory. I assume you're conencted to wifi and can browse the internet?
Yes, I am able to connect to the internet without any problems. When I first bought the tablet back in February, I did not yet have the SD card so I could not even open the Laputa or Slideme programs. After I purchased/installed the card, the Laputa and Slideme programs opened pretty quickly and I can get to the portions where you choose your download. But when I try to download (and I don't have the unit with me) I get something like an unable to download message. I will try formatting as you suggested this evening and report back.
I was able to reformat the SD card and I have been able to take the card to my PC and dowload PDF ebooks and video files but still unable to dowload directly from the unit. I have the SYTABEX7 unit and I have used the update feature (apparently successful) although I saw no difference after the dowload.

Any ideas on how to get the unit to recognize the SD1 card when dowloading directly?

Thank You,
is there a difference in cell phone apps vs tablet apps, I have sylvania (infotmic) 7" tablet, but how can I tell if the app I want is meant for a cell phone and not a tablet. They all r the apk type
I also have the same tablet and cannot download books with Laputa. After trying to download a book for a few seconds it returns "(book name) download fail". I can't download any apps with Slide 3.5 either. After selecting an app it just hangs at "Loading catalog" and never finishes. My WiFi connection is fine and I do have a good microSD card in the device. Anybody ever figure this problem out? Thanks
Anybody ever figure this problem out?

It is most likely related to the microSD card in the device. LaputaBooks and slideme both need to read/write from their respective directories/folders created on the card.

Attempt to reformat the card, either in the device or using Quick Format FAT32 on a computer.

Note: Other issues with music/medial have been resolved once a properly formatted sd card is recognized in the device so the applications can read/write to their respective folders. The user's solution was to format the card in their phone and then install in the tablet.

The folder LaputaBooks creates is /sdcard/LaputaBooks

C:\>adb shell
$ cd sdcard
cd sdcard
$ ls -l
ls -l
d---rwxr-x system   sdcard_rw          2011-02-25 02:37 LOST.DIR
d---rwxr-x system   sdcard_rw          2011-04-06 00:30 SlideME
d---rwxr-x system   sdcard_rw          2011-04-28 01:56 LaputaBooks
$ cd LaputaBooks
cd LaputaBooks
$ ls -l
ls -l
d---rwxr-x system   sdcard_rw          2011-04-07 19:26 Holy Bible
d---rwxr-x system   sdcard_rw          2011-04-07 19:26 Import
d---rwxr-x system   sdcard_rw          2011-04-28 01:55 ImageCache
d---rwxr-x system   sdcard_rw          2011-04-07 19:26 NetDataCache
d---rwxr-x system   sdcard_rw          2011-04-28 01:55 The Art of War
Once there is a folder it can read/write, books can be downloaded then read. SlideMe should also work once it has a valid folder on the sd card.
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One thing I know for sure, trying to get DG via there support number is a complete waste of time. Oddly enough, the Sylvania Netbook support number worked immediately but, of course, they only answer questions about the Netbook, which I also own. I am going to get a fresh card and try again. The card I currently use works fine in my PC and has allowed me to transfer APPs, etc. I have even tried the formatting feature within the tablet but to no avail. It isn't even that big a deal, just plain irritating.
I formatted the card in the tablet which did not help and then I tried formatting it in my PC which also did not help. I still cannot download books, apps or play music. Does the device behave any better after upgrading to Android 2.2? If so, maybe I'll just focus on getting that done next. Thanks
I formatted the card in the tablet which did not help and then I tried formatting it in my PC which also did not help. I still cannot download books, apps or play music.
You might want to get another micoSD card. I have a 16GB Patriot card that works and a "no name" 2 GB card that does NOT work. I have tried everything to get the 2GB card to work with no success other than using a USB card adapter and plugging it in the Host port. In this manner it sees the card as a USB drive and I can read from it but cannot not write to it. It works fine on my XP and Ubuntu machines but not in the device. The 16GB card works no problem. Try another card.

Does the device behave any better after upgrading to Android 2.2? If so, maybe I'll just focus on getting that done next. Thanks
The device is perceived to work better but still has quirks once updated to 2.2 however, if you have a bad sd card the update won't resolve that issue.
Found out that using clockwork recovery on my mytouch 4g to format and partition my sd card solved all my issues
My microSD works fine from my PC- it's a new Lexar 8GB. I tried a 2nd card (Sandisk 2GB) and had the same problems with the tablet. I managed to get the tablet upgraded to Android 2.2 and now the device works much better, although half the time it still doesn't see my card and I have to re-insert it before it can be used. Although some apps are still quirky (Laputa, SlideMe) I guess at this point I'm happy with the device considering I got it for $75 at CVS. Thanks for the help...
I have found that on my EX7, AFTER the 2.20 update, that when I plug in or pull out a flash drive from the mini USB port... the EX7 reports that the SD card was removed suddenly. pop it out and back in and it's fine until I add or remove a flash drive. I think this is a problem with the missing Udiskmnt file in the 2.20 update.
Am I wrong?
I need help with my augen gentouch78 i think it runs android 2.1 but today it just stayed stuck on that bird i guess its an antivirus, but it only stays on that and does not load to the home screen does anyone know what i can do to fix it?