How Did You Hear About - The #1 Android Tablet Community

Being a total novice in all things Android I used Google and landed here!
Before buying a specially priced tablet at the local drug store, I did a quick search with the brand name & size. "Craig 7-inch Tablet." That led me to YouTube videos by ? BlueRidge...Something ? He insisted that the tablet had a lot of potential, but the applications that were included were generally worthless.

Then I looked some more and found another site with blue robot, etc. But found brand - specific forum thread on this site. I often use Google, but sometimes Bing and/or Ask.Com, or AltaVista which I suppose is really Yahoo.
hi i found youre site thru chinagrabber , sourcing the onda v140 elite trying to find out when they are for sale . my first time , android but info great on your site will be a regular thanks siena 1 uk
I did a Google search to learn how to get my Toshiba Thrive to recognize a 250GB USB mini-drive adn found several threads about it here.
Hey all, I am a total noob when it comes to android. Its the Craig CMP738b. Was looking around trying to Root it through Google and I found this site. read all 23 pages of this thing and am amazed at the effort some people put into solving issues for one another. So I decided to become a member. If someone with knowledge of this thing would shoot me a message I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you all for making a site such as this... and Hope to talk to you all real soon :D
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