I give up...I'm going to ask


Aug 16, 2010
Completed Nate's hack. All ok. Two homes to choose from on bootup.

Now.....:eek: How the devil do I get to the programs I downloaded onto my SD card.
SD card import doesn't work. I DLed a file explorer and see it on the card using my computer but how do I get to it on the PD to activate it??? God I'm embarrassed I have to ask this. I know there was a topic on it but I tried everything stated there. Thanks. Guess it would help if I said which tablet....pandigital Novel.
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have you read the post " how to side load apps if the market wont work" but what you do is open up your tablets browser search for an apkmanager or fileexplorer app then download it and when the notification bar says download complete click on it and select install then use that to install the apps from the sd card
have you read the post " how to side load apps if the market wont work" but what you do is open up your tablets browser search for an apkmanager or fileexplorer app then download it and when the notification bar says download complete click on it and select install then use that to install the apps from the sd card

Yep I read that thread. Did what it said. Download goes fine. However when the notification bar says dl complete I can click until the cows come home and nothing happens. Have tried it with an SD card in and without an SD card. My card now has several file explorer files on it plus the Kindle for android. I have also tried SD import in both Panda and the default home menu. I can import everything except what I want....the programs (books music photos etc import fine. But not programs. I do have Unknown applications turned on. Appreciate any help.
Forgot to say.....Sometimes after file is completed download when i click on it I get a choice of "clear from list", Clear list", Cancel
hmm interesting have you tried to download "astro file manager" if not try this link RapidShare: 1-CLICK Web hosting - Easy Filehosting then just click free user if that doesnt work i will look into it more for you

Thanks probbie, I have spent over 10 hours trying to get Kindle for Android. I'm sure I am missing some basic step in this process, something I misunderstand or misinterpret. I have read about every thread on the subject here on the board and on slatedroid. If others are doing it so easily I must be missing some basic simple concept somewhere in the process. I get the same results whether I DL a manager on the SD card or direct into the PD via the USB connection, after DL is complete when I click on the DL bar stating DL is complete I never get a choice of "install". Instead "clear", "clear all", "Cancel" (the standard Windows prompt referring to your recently DL cache). If I DL it direct to my computer I do get the option of installing it when I click on the bar but of course get the normal error "Windows can't install this file because it does not know which program to use to...etc" (I tried this just for the heck of it...I knew I would get this message since the file is an Android file.)

What I really need is a file manager to magically appear on the PD long enough for me to search for, find, and activate one of the many file managers I have DLed. :D

I suppose this thread should be moved to a more appropriate forum, I was tired last night and started this discussion in the wrong forum.
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Did you get it working?

No I didn't. I'm going to start trying again this evening. I have reset the PD to it's factory settings using the instructions in the original "hacking for beginners" thread and hacked it again to use Panda so I will be starting from a clean slate (Pun intended). I have reached my time wasted/reward/frustration ratio so will piddle with it as time allows.
Sounds like a feature in setting s is not enabled.
Under Settings
Click on Unknown Sources (x) enabled that
You should be able to now download and install. If not then you have another issue.
I go to a web site of my choosing and download the app I want. That app shows up
under downloads on my microSDHC. I just click on it and it installs
Another option is the browser you use can be setup to download and prompt you showing that the file is downloaded, then you can click on install such app.

I have Amazon Kindle App which is tied into my Amazon account. I prefer the Aldoiko Premiun instead takes you right to free books. Amazon has free books also.
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Yes I do have unknown source checked. I think I viewed your video already as a result of a google search but just in case I will view it again. I've even suspected the sd card but switching was no help. Have DLed the SDK but not ready to muck around in there quite yet. Will be a last resort but someone must have the same problem I am because there are instructions out there on how to do it as a last resort using SDK.
Hey probbie I did view your video and followed you step by step. We have different tablets so I had to go to the notification bar to see the DL. If I just tap the bar nothing happens other than it blinks. If I mash down hard and hold a popup appears giving me three choices: Clear from list, Clear list, Cancel. Of course it is talking about the DL cache. No option for install.
I have tried to add a video here starting at the web site where I DL the app. Poor quality if it works...poor mans camera. If it works the video will show that after the DL if I click on the file it just flashes. But if I hold firmly I get a choice concerning the DL cache but no option to install.

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