
Alternate ATF App Tester
Jan 13, 2011
Well guys,I was curious,very curious about ICS and I couldn't wait that the developers would get it perfect so I got it anyway......I bought an s/d card with ICS on and right now I'mnplaying with it. I love the interface and I can tell you's smooth and fast. Nobody else is curious to try it?

Sent from my NookColor using Android Tablet Forum
Very curious and have been reading up on it this morning as a matter of fact. Does your version have the sound working?

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Wow, I didn't even know it was available for the Nook already. Talk about being out of circulation... :rolleyes:
"Available" should be used loosely. Very early builds are available, so only the knowledgeable should be attempting it at this point. Those who want to learn can also try but be prepared for things not working and no support bailing out of sticky situations. In other words use ICS at your own risk!

I read some time ago about what ics can do on the nook, but I forgot. It didn't let me install netflix,I installed the forum app so far:)
I didn't get the chance to do anything today with my nook. No JP, now you are asking me, I didn't hear any sound coming out of my nook . I want to go on this site to read a little about ics, before I mess up the card . It seems there is utube already installed but i couldn't make it work.
Samsung Galaxy Note
Wow, I didn't even know it was available for the Nook already. Talk about being out of circulation... :rolleyes:

Yes you haven't been seen around here in a long time, nice to See you again!

Samsung Galaxy Note
Me too.....happy new year!

Sent from my NookColor using Android Tablet Forum
I played a little bit with ics, its so cool, nothing really works but it's soo fast. I tried to download stuff, I could install nook app andf fb, no birds, no netflix, o hulu. It freezes often, utube sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Hope everything get fixed soon because ics looks gorgeous on the nook!

Sent from my NookColor using Android Tablet Forum
ICS looks great on nook color! Everytyhing works now, no more freezing, youtube works. I was able to get netflix' but doesn't play, so far. No audio anyway!

Sent from my NookColor using Android Tablet Forum


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Sent from my NookColor using Android Tablet Forum


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I never tought, when I bought the nook , one day I would see this in my settings!

Sent from my NookColor using Android Tablet Forum


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