Install apps to SD


Dec 17, 2010
I am running out of room on my Nook Color internal memory. Is there a way to install and move apps so they run off the microSD?
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2.2 supports it. You can check into apps2sd - but after some brief reading I'm not sure if it will work fine on the nook or not.
I am running out of room on my Nook Color internal memory. Is there a way to install and move apps so they run off the microSD?

Are you sure you are running out of internal application space? Or are you running out of total internal space? The NC allots 1GB of it's usable 5GB internal storage; the rest is for anything else you store. I've installed 110+ apps so far and there is still 650mb of the 1GB allotted space left. If you are just filling up your internal storage with non-app files, I'd suggest you move those to your added SD card.

That being said, there are apps2sd solutions for full custom 2.1 roms but not for out b&n modified 2.1, we are currently running on our NCs. Like others have said, once we are on 2.2, we'll be able to move apps to SD on some apps which have provided that option in their program.
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Thanks guys. Sorry I meant the internal app space. I have about 100mb left. I have a app that was warning me about the space getting low. Thanks for the responses.
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I am running out of room on my Nook Color internal memory. Is there a way to install and move apps so they run off the microSD?

How many apps do you have installed? There should be room for a couple hundred(unless you have alot of games) as rico said. It could also be that one or more of them is using that internal space for something they shouldn't. Might be time to poke around in there and see whats using all the space - but be careful and don't delete anything unless you know what you're doing.

It could also be a simple matter of clearing the cache of the "rougue hog app". If you go into the Nook Color Tools and Manage Applications, hit the menu button when the list of apps appears and you can sort by size. Then click on the pigs(large apps at the top of the list) and see if you can clear cache. If not, might be time to slaughter some pork :)
Example of what you can expect if you only install apps to your internal memory and all your other media on your added SD card:

NC with 107 installed apps, minimal nook media on internal storage

Yeah basically I went app crazy. LOL. The Linda Manager is a nice simple summary. I am in the mist of slimming down. Time to go on an app diet.