Launcher Pro & Beautiful Widgets time update issue.


Dec 24, 2010
Hi all,

I have Launcher Pro on my FT II along with Beautiful Widgets & the look is very pleasing.
However I have a problem with BW not updating the time.
Apparently this is a fairly common fault when you have these two apps installed.
I have tried all the recomendations & even uninstalled & reinstalled,but it still will
not update the time.
I have also added it to the ignore list on my taskiller.
Any ideas anyone?

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unfortunately it is also common on ADW, it just seems to be a current limitation of the app.
Hi Peter,
I got that impression when I googled this problem.
I would think that if these are known issues affecting
paid for apps then surely the developers should address the issue/s?
Makes sense to me!
In looking at the discussion on this over at xda-developers they are too busy at the moment finger-pointing for the cause..
does the same thing happen with fancy widget? the free version? because fancy widget is pretty good looking i think and there is a free version, it doesnt help if you already paid for beautiful widgets but just thought i would ask
Do you have adb setup on your pc? If so, the output from "adb logcat" would be useful for tracking down what's blocking the time update. System logs are a great tool for fixing stuff or at least finding out what's really broken…

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Hi Peter
Instead of finger pointing,wouldn't you think it would make sense to address the issue collectively?
As the saying goes "Many hands make light work".

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Silverwizard, are you rooted? I'm wondering if this isn't an issue with trying to read the system clock. Have you tried another clock widget(any clock widget)
Hi Mr Smith,
Yes both of my tablets are rooted,& both have the same problem.
I have tried other clock apps & the same thing happens.
I'm therefore convinced that this is a Launcher Pro issue.
Which in itself is a bummer,cos I really like it.
Download sendlog from the market and then email yourself the relevant log files when the error occurs...

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Hi Peter
Instead of finger pointing,wouldn't you think it would make sense to address the issue collectively?
As the saying goes "Many hands make light work".

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I made the same comment before, but as I have learned dealing with my teenage children...showing them the benefit of working together and getting them to work together are two different animals. lol