Looking for some utilities (A cry for help basically)

Richardo Crispus

Staff member
Dec 9, 2010
I'm looking for versions or alternatives to these apps which actually work on this hardware:
Titanium backup (continually crashes)
SetCPU (the same)
Windows Live messenger (the up to date version in english as I can only find the chinese and italtian .apk's online without using a phone number)

Any help and advice will be appreciated!

Thank you,
Richardo Crispus

Sent from my Flytouch 2 via the AndroidTablets.net app
By Richardo Crispus
Is your device rooted

Sent from my ADR6300 using Android Tablet Forum App
It is rooted (using Z4root)
I'm reluctant to use ebuddy as its advertising etc always got on my nerves, and my experience with the official software was good, if in chinese

Thank you,
Well your asking for help and pbrauer gave you an idea

Sent from my ADR6300 using Android Tablet Forum App
Astro backup works so thank you

Thank you for the ebuddy idea. It's a good one but I was looking for the official app if possible.

Thank you for the advice,

Sent from my Flytouch 2 via the AndroidTablets.net app
By Richardo Crispus
Titanium Backup kept requesting a force close.
I'm just a bit annoyed that I can get the chinese and italian version yet not the english. Thank you all anyway

I've tried using that app, it shows the clock speed as being a huge negative number which I am unable to change

Thank you all for your advice,

Sent from my Flytouch 2 via the AndroidTablets.net app
By Richardo Crispus
dont know what to tell u
it never fc's on my tablet, it just doesnt really uninstall anything..........................did find work arounds though
All the Titanium Backup functions I have tried work on my Flytouch 2, including uninstall. I am using the Donate version--maybe that is the difference?