Hi guys, I know you get this a lot... but... NEED HELP BUYING A TABLET
Or, I need help trying to find a manufacturer who is willing to manufacture something tailor made, in bulk, perhaps for a discount price because of it.
One of the choirs in Birmingham I attend wants to be rid of sheet music in physical format, save a few trees in the long run by using tablets. I don't believe the stereotypes one bit, but it's worth mentioning that most of the men in the choir are 50+ years of age. I'm not insulting their intelligence, but I'm saying I've had the most experience with computers (a good 1/8th of them aren't connected to the internet in any way). The tablet has to be big, eyesight is a problem. I suggest these very coarse specs:
A4 Size (about 8x12inches in dimensions?)
Stylus (for note-taking and small edits)
a good backlight
very lightweight, no need for extra programs other than the DOCUMENT (image) VIEWER (Probably JPG, etc.), MUSESCORE (Potentially to 'playback' the sheet music), DROPBOX (for easy sharing), and obviously the standard things, Play, Settings etc...
PDF has great functionality. You can draw and add notes. However, sometimes the perspectives turn strange, does anyone else suffer this? I input a yellow sticky note (and if you click on it there's a message) and it becomes so tiny it's unusable!
Good battery life. We don't use music in concerts, just in rehearsals. Rehearsals last maximum 4 hours.
VERY FAST page turning, perhaps a physical button (like the volume button concerning Play Books) as well as the touchscreen
As for a manufacturer, if any of you guys could be so kind as to go that extra mile and help me find one, a local maker would be better. Something near the Midlands, or at least in the UK? Perhaps I'm asking too much!
All the best guys
One of the choirs in Birmingham I attend wants to be rid of sheet music in physical format, save a few trees in the long run by using tablets. I don't believe the stereotypes one bit, but it's worth mentioning that most of the men in the choir are 50+ years of age. I'm not insulting their intelligence, but I'm saying I've had the most experience with computers (a good 1/8th of them aren't connected to the internet in any way). The tablet has to be big, eyesight is a problem. I suggest these very coarse specs:
A4 Size (about 8x12inches in dimensions?)
Stylus (for note-taking and small edits)
a good backlight
very lightweight, no need for extra programs other than the DOCUMENT (image) VIEWER (Probably JPG, etc.), MUSESCORE (Potentially to 'playback' the sheet music), DROPBOX (for easy sharing), and obviously the standard things, Play, Settings etc...
PDF has great functionality. You can draw and add notes. However, sometimes the perspectives turn strange, does anyone else suffer this? I input a yellow sticky note (and if you click on it there's a message) and it becomes so tiny it's unusable!
Good battery life. We don't use music in concerts, just in rehearsals. Rehearsals last maximum 4 hours.
VERY FAST page turning, perhaps a physical button (like the volume button concerning Play Books) as well as the touchscreen
As for a manufacturer, if any of you guys could be so kind as to go that extra mile and help me find one, a local maker would be better. Something near the Midlands, or at least in the UK? Perhaps I'm asking too much!
All the best guys