News article about Android Tablets in the Pipeline


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Staff member
Aug 6, 2010
This article may not be news to all of us, But this Technologizer indicates 32 different models are on the way.
iPadversaries! 32 Tablets, Slates, Pads, and More

This is what I have been waiting and knowing would be happening soon. This is both good and another indication how Android Tablets are and will be the next big thing. Note: they mix the Windows units in as well as existing units such as Archos series
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They mix a lot of x86 units in there. I don't really see anything new of note in this list.

Same old... Same old...
Just re-read, True, and enduring Tablet XP, Tablet Vista and now Tablet 7, with the continued dependencies on old design concepts. I kept hoping CE would be modified and updated when they got to CE6.5. It has the making of being a competitor in the Tablet market. But, they just do not get it. And I would say until Android, Linux was not really mobile friendly.