Nook Color Unroot/Restore Problem


May 1, 2011
Hey Guy/Gals I am once again asking for you help here....I have a Nook Color with version 1.2 and I need to restore it back to stock. I did try to restore using and it showed error formatting data and when I finished my NC would not go to the home screen anymore. Frankly I'm stuck I need to restore it back but would love to be able to get it CM7 since I have one NC with it and love it.
Please any advise to fix this would be great.

Software used:
8gb_clockwork-0.7.tar.gz ....also tried this one...8gb_clockwork-
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What are you "restoring" it form? Was it rooted? If so on what version of B&N? If the goal is to jest get it to run CM7 then there is no need to restore. To load CM7 you just need to create a bootable ClockworkMod Recovery card using version then putting the CM7 and Google Apps files on the card. Power down, insert the card and follow the CM7 procedure for flashing the ROM and Gapps, power down or unmount, remove card and boot into CM7.
Ok this is what I want to do I want CM7 to be on the nook and not the card so it boots from the nook and not the card but every time I look for a how to all I find is tutorials on making a sd card boot please someone send me the proper link.