Autonooter 3, or Nook problems. I need help

Thanks Srelv. If I understand you correctly you are telling me:
1. That booting Froyo (2.2) of a sd card is risky. What are the risks?
2. Autonooter is the best most stable way to root the NC at present time?
3. To root with Autonooter, I will have to roll back from 1.1.0 to 1.0.1 ?

Last question...everybody says to do a back up before rooting. How do you do that without installing CWR? I thought CWR could only be installed on a roooted nook???

1. Well certain versions of Froyo for the NC are experimental and may do some weird things to your nook, even if running off sdcard. But I am running a new Froyo rom that just came out yesterday at it seems stable now. First I had to autonooter and then install clockwork. I do not reccomend froyo if you are just starting out.

2. Yes autonooter is most stable tried and tested way to root. Most of us here have done it and can answer your questions on that. Please note though there is a bug with clockwork recovery and autonooter 3. Autonooter 3 would be to root a 1.1 nook. That is why I suggested rolling your device back to 1.0 and sideloading 1.0.1 and using autoner for 1.0.1.

3. You don't have to roll it back. Just make sure you are using the correct autonooter for your firmaware. If you want to roll it back it is somewhat of a process.

You cannot make a backup without root and a clockwork recovery at this time.

Here is what I did with my device:

-Bought it.
-Made sure my device was on 1.0.1 (optional just use correct autonooter for firmware. Cwr is buggy with autonooter 3)
-Rooted with autonooter (Nookdevs website)
-Installed replacement launcher from android market (zeam or adw)
-Tried out/used my rooted autonooter nook for a while

*from this point on it is harder to bring it back to unrooted stock, but can be done*
-Researched and installed clockwork recovery (Ricos guide)
-Made a backup with CWR
-Then since I am familiar with android and using custom roms I loaded the phiremod rom through cwr (hold off on this if a beginner)

sent from my rooted nook color
I wonder if I all the problems I was having with auto nooter 3 were related to this steep in the instructions?

If you want to update to 1.1.0 and then root it Auto Nooter, first you have to Completely Wipe, if it is not a out-of-box NOOKColor and then Update your NC to 1.1.0. Instructions and download link is here.

On both attempts, I didn't wipe...I didn't really notice that part before. What happens if you don't wipe first?
How do you wipe?

No, wipe is if you are already rooted. No need to wipe if starting out stock. If your device is stuck somewhere between root and stock then you need to erase and deregister it from nook settings and start all over from factory condition (reregister, etc) and then check to see what firmware it is on after factory reset.

sent from my rooted nook color
Thanks for your last 2 replies Stelv. I take your points. I do want a really stable version to experiment with Android and Market Place.
Since my NS is already 1t 1.1.0, I might try Autonooter 3 again. It was suggested to me to not plug it into the PC, but to plug it into the wall charger and let Autonooter 3 do it's thing. I have not seen that in any instructions or the Youtube video by UnLocker. Hmmm ???

Another alternative is the Monster Root Pack on the XDA site. My understanding is that it works on version 1.1.0. You can run CWR from the sd card, and also root from the sd card. What do you know about that?
Thanks for your last 2 replies Stelv. I take your points. I do want a really stable version to experiment with Android and Market Place.
Since my NS is already 1t 1.1.0, I might try Autonooter 3 again. It was suggested to me to not plug it into the PC, but to plug it into the wall charger and let Autonooter 3 do it's thing. I have not seen that in any instructions or the Youtube video by UnLocker. Hmmm ???

Another alternative is the Monster Root Pack on the XDA site. My understanding is that it works on version 1.1.0. You can run CWR from the sd card, and also root from the sd card. What do you know about that?

If rooting with auotnooter 3 use the instructions here at NookDevs NookColor Rooting - nookDevs

It was suggested to plug into wall because your battery was thought to be low. Just make sure you have a full battery and follow the NookDev instructions exactly. If you are using a mac, let me know because there is a line of code missing on NookDevs.

Just make sure you download the correct autnooter file, it says "for 1.1" in blue on NookDevs and the link will take you to the xda site for download. But I would just go to Xda for the file and follow the instructions on NookDevs because they are more thorough there. *Edit also read the Xda instructions for added/useful information.

The unlockr video and Vics post were just to return you to stock, because I thought your Nook was not booting. You can ignore those processes for now if everything is booting fine and you have a stock 1.1 unrooted device.

I have not used Monster Root so I prolly cant help you with that, although I am familiar to what it does. Running a rooted operating system image from sdcard is something that I usually do not do and do not know how it works with Nook.
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My NOOK is booting v 1.1.0 right now.

Ok, I am going to try auto nooter 3 one more time this afternoon around 3pm.
This time I will write image to card using winimage 8.1 NOT 8.5. I've seen where 8.5 on xp pro might cause a problem.
I will make sure my NC is at 100% charge.
I will wait at least 30 minutes before disconnecting from the PC.
I will let you know the results later today.

Any other last minute suggestions?
My NOOK is booting v 1.1.0 right now.

Ok, I am going to try auto nooter 3 one more time this afternoon around 3pm.
This time I will write image to card using winimage 8.1 NOT 8.5. I've seen where 8.5 on xp pro might cause a problem.
I will make sure my NC is at 100% charge.
I will wait at least 30 minutes before disconnecting from the PC.
I will let you know the results later today.

Any other last minute suggestions?

You should b all right as long as its booting 1.1 unrooted now. Let us know if you have questions.

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
I followed the instructions to a T. I even downloaded a new Autonooter 3 file. After writing to the card, I was able to view it and saw the 4 files and file sizes...very similar to those show in the instructions. I inserted the card in the NC, plugged it into the PC, screen. I waited 30 minutes, but it never booted. I disconnected and removed the sd card. The NC would not turn on..........again. Failure # 3.

With the card out, I plugged it in to the PC again, and to my surprise, it turned on. It was still at v 1.1.0.

I transferred some mp3's, and all is good. I'm at a loss to know what to do next. I feel sure there is a problem with the sd card or the sd card slot. Since I am within 14 days of purchase, I think I will take it back to B&N, and try to exchange it for another new one.
Have you tried a different SD Card?

If you put the SD card into the Nook after its on, does the Nook recognize the SD card (even though the capacity is diminished with the autonooter burned on it.)
Yea I would say it is maybe the sdcard. Do not tell them you tried to root it though, because they may not take it back. What class sdcard is it and what is the capacity? Did you format the sdcard before you tried to burn the autnooter image again? I would try another micro sdcard.
I inserted the card in the NC, plugged it into the PC, screen. I waited 30 minutes, but it never booted.

I think the issue might be in this step. Does the PC not recognize the Nook on USB with the autonooter SD card in? Did you use different USB ports when using the SD card the first time and then booting and transfering the second time?

See if you can go into device manager and hit refresh when your NC is plugged into the PC with the autonooter card in and not doing anything. That might get it to detect and autonooter.
See if you can go into device manager and hit refresh when your NC is plugged into the PC with the autonooter card in and not doing anything. That might get it to detect and autonooter.

Great idea!
Sorry for the delayed reply. Thanks for all the suggestions. I'm not sure I can describe all that happened in any detail.

1. I have ordered a new 8gb class 10 sd card and reader combo; It should arrive today or tomorrow:
Kingmax 8GB microSDHC Class 10 with Micro SD Adapter and N111 USB adapter

2. I have already re-formatted the sd card, but I can put auto nooter 3 back on it and try the device manager refresh.
3. Reading and\or formatting the card in the NC is not always possible. I suspect it is not seated correctly as reading and writing the
card with different PC's has not been a problem.
4. This leads me to suspect the Nook rather than the card.
5. I recall that I got a message when plugged into the pc. The 'New Found Wizard' showed up, and I got a message like
??IS\EthernetGadger found. I read somewhere that this might be linux ?? This showed up after it failed to root.
Yea if the device has trouble reading the new sdcard then there might be a problem with sd slot
jo, I have reread this thread and am highly skeptical that the problem is with your SD card slot (not to say it isn't the problem but you might be jumping to conclusions). You have a lot of good people here helping you so slow down a second and listen to what they are asking you and saying.

1. Are you able to boot into stock unrooted B&N 1.1 at this point?
2. If so can your Nook see your SD card when inserted?
3. Can it format the SD card?
4. If you have a clean empty SD card can you put files on it with the PC then put the card in the Nook and see if you can access the files?

If you can do the above the problem is not with the SD card or SD card slot. You state that you want to play with Andorid on your Nook and explore the Market. Right now there is no easily bootable Android from the SD card.

The easiest way for you to do that at this point has been suggested several times. Because you are having problems with autonooter 3 and B&N 1.1, roll back to B&N 1.0.1 and use autonooter 2. This version is the most thoroughly tested and the guys here can get you working on that. It is easy to do (of course v3 should be also) and you will be playing with Anroid in no time.

If all of the above fails then you may have other issues with your nook warranting a return.

Good luck!
Thanks for your replies. The new card has not arrived ye. Maybe later today.

As I said, my NC starts (boots) to v 1.1.0 every time.
It can read that the sd card is present. It can format the sd card. But not every time the card is inserted.
It may not be seated properly. But, that seems unreasonable. Anyway, when the new card and reader arrive hopefully later today,
I plan to try auto nooter 3 again. I'll post the results.

Thanks again for the help and encouragement.