Photos and attachments deleted receivng and sending in e mails


Sep 25, 2011
I purchased this tablet to use in my business and it is not working properly.My business is buying and selling classic cars and I receive emails with attachments and photos. It does not matter if I use G MAIL OR YAHOO the attachments will not forward with the attachments or photos.My outbox sometimes will not send the emails and have to delete them and use my laptop.

After an email is sent there is an arrow in bottom right corner and when it is clicked on, it says attachment was deleted and not forwarded. This tablet is very frustrating and I am back to using my laptop because it will work properly. Another problem is that I can not delete the email address for the person who sent me the email before the photos are forwarded. Has anyone figured out how to do this? I like the tablet but it is very frustrating to use.

Thanks for you're help!
Thanks for you're reply and I will give it a try. I know you aren't supposed to,assume but you would think that since Google is Android that their email would accept and send photos.
There is an old saying about people who assume but I'm not going there as you probably know what it is. ;)

As t turns out most of the apps that are stock on Android have 3rd party apps that are far better and/or just plain more capable, from viewing videos to managing files. That includes mail. even though the stock app has some nice features it is lacking in some areas.