Problem with my wowPAD !!!


Jan 16, 2011
When i press power button it only start vibrating and nothing else happens :( Dont know whats problem and how to fix it. Please help!!!
Do you press the power button for at least 4-5 seconds?

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Yes. I tried everything. It just keep on vibrating, screen is black. Then i must hold power button for seven seconds to turn it off.
mine just goes to the green screen that says powered by wowpad and nothing els i just got it today too :(
I have the same problem - press the power button on the top of the pad and all i get is a vibration and black screen (fully charged unit) - hold the button for 10 seconds - still no use - the one thing that i have tried that sometimes works is as follows....
1. Lie the tablet flat on its back (wierd i know but i have found that it helps).
2. Press and hold the power button and at the same time press the black button on the front (the one with a square on it) - sometimes i have to release and press the black button several times whilst holding the power button.
3. you should get a message - booting in x seconds - DO not move the device until fully started and you have signed on as i have noticed that any movement can stop the reboot so you have to start again.

I have trawled through Google for an answer but this is the only thread that i can find with the same issue as me. - i think it has something to do with the orientation sensor (mine is disabled in software but i dont know how to disable the

Hope this helps if you find a better solution please post here.

Thanks Pete for your post! I tried to do this with my pad but after couple trying it just stoped vibrating and nothing happened. Now its on charger for couple hours. I will post if something happened.
For your information i'm in connection with people from Hong Kong from whom i bought pad. They are also looking for solution of my (our) problem. Subscribe to this page.

(sorry for bad grammar)

See ya :)

same as mine ..
wowpad has been bought .. i only have played with it for just three hours ...
what a day !!!!!!!!!!!
black screen ..
any solution ??????
i have this problem about 6 times out of 10 just lately. i have a case with a combined keyboard which holds the tablet at about 10 degrees from the vertical (the wrong angle to allow it to start up every time - see my previous post) - in order to turn my tablet on i have to lie it flat - press and hold the power button for a few seconds - if it starts i have to leave the tablet lying down until the logon screen appears - swipe to log on - then i can return the tablet to its normal position for use (if i attempt to move the tablet before this point it usually powers off again). if the tablet does not start - i have to press the black button on the front whilst powering on - this usually gives me the boot screen - then leave it alone (as above) until started and logged on. - I sometimes get a black screen after the wowpad screen (the green communications screen) - if i get this i have to reset and try again. - i am still convinced that it has something to do with the orientation sensor - i am toying with the idea of opening the tablet up and trying to disable this and also the annoying buzzer. - if i pluck up enough courage to try this i will let you all know. - my tablet is currently on deb-r2.1.1480 which i had to load via sd card as the software update never works (it downloads the update - reboots but hangs at the infotmic logo screen - left it like this for about 2 hrs - then gave up)

There must be others out there with this same issue - if so please post your findings.

Well - i'm getting increasingly fed up with this tablet - today i took the bull by the horns and opened it up (4 screws under the plastic caps - 1 at each corner) - then working from the front - run a thin knife down each edge and lever the screen off - take care around the reset button as there is a tiny ribbon cable there) - anyway - i disconnected the annoying buzzer motor (just unsoldered the red lead). also noticed that my camera was loose so refixed that also. - cant find the orientation sensor - dont know what to look for - is it a chip or is it mechanical - will have to do more digging. - Put it all back together again and tried to power up - would not start..... - started to unscrew the 4 screws again and noticed that the screw hole in the corner closest to the wifi switch did not line up with the tapped hole (by about 1 mm) - in order to put the screw in i had to press the body together to align the holes. Left the screw out and tried a restart - worked first time. - i will leave this screw out for a few days to see if it helps. - in the mean time i will keep looking for a solution - if anyone knows how to disconnect the orientation sensor please let me know.

More later.....

Latest update - today my tablet failed to start again so, after a few choice words...., i investigated further - this time i could not get it to start even if i put the tablet in the horizontal position and pressed any combination of buttons (see my previous posts). one thing that i did notice was that whilst holding down the power button and pressing the reset button the screen flashed on momentarily (only happened once and could not reproduce) - i then used my finger nail to prize apart the case by the reset button and pressed the power button - Bingo the tablet started - i removed my finger and the tablet shut down. Next step as a temp fix i inserted a guitar plectum in the same place as my finger nail and tried again - started first time every time - i am now thinking that the plastic reset button is catching the reset switch inside (this sort of answers the question why my tablet would not start when in the vertical position - the weight of the tablet would have been pressing on the bottom of the case / reset button etc) - i have attached a picture of my temp fix so that others with the same issue can try it - any piece of thin plastic should do (credit card etc) as a temp fix.
Next step is to open up the tablet again and see what i can do to fix this - i have ordered 2 micro speakers (mobile phone inserts) from ebay to see if i can improve the awful low volume so will attack the reset issue in a couple of days when i try these.

Hope this helps everyone with the same problem - let me know if it works for you.

More later



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Last update on this issue - Speakers arrived - opened up the tablet (see attached pics) - replaced speakers - no sound at all from the new speakers (need to do more investigation into speaker type (any one interested the size of the speakers is approx 20mm x 10 mm x 3mm thick) - i think i have some old laptop speakers which i can try) - replaced the original speakers (note that they have to lie flat as they are too wide to stand vertically) - anyway my real reason for opening up the tab was to check out the reset switch - sure enough the grey plastic actuator was touching the actual reset switch - removed the actuator , used a nail file to remove about 0.5 mm of plastic and replaced - now i have a fully working tablet (and i can play my guitar again).

By the way in one of my previous posts i mentioned a small ribbon cable by the reset switch - this is held in with a small plastic clip - slide the grey piece towards the centre of the tablet this will release the ribbon cable - when reassembling the tablet - insert the ribbobn cable fully then slide the grey piece back into its original position - the attached picture of the reset switch shows this clip.

If i ever get around to replacing the speakers i will post again.

How can you stop it hanging at the infotmic logo screen? I've tried and tried to update the thing but still no joy. Also, every time I restart it, it seems to boot up 1 of 2 OS' has one set off apps and settings and the other has its own settings?!?!? Please help!
How can you stop it hanging at the infotmic logo screen? I've tried and tried to update the thing but still no joy. Also, every time I restart it, it seems to boot up 1 of 2 OS' has one set off apps and settings and the other has its own settings?!?!? Please help!

I have the same problem when trying to use the update icon - the only way I have found to update it is by using an sd card (2gb) - first thing I do is to format the sd card (FAT32) then use the update icon to download the update file - this will be called '' (or you can perhaps google for it (you probably already have this file if you have tried to update - use file manager to search for it) - copy this file to the root of the sd card (do not extract it just copy the zip file) - put the sd card into the top sd slot (in between the two usb ports) - turn the tablet off. - hold down 'menu' and 'vol -' and whilst holding these down press the power button - keep everything pressed - you will see the normal 'infotmic' logo then the green screen (communications) - it should then display a menu with 4 options - select 'update from sd' - use the vol + & - to move up and down the menu and press 'menu' to select - it should now read the sd card and update the rom - pls note you will lose all your settings and apps.

I would doubt that you have 2 os's on your tablet (I may be wrong) I would think that you just have 2 launchers (2 differnt home pages) - after you have updated you will just have the standard wowpad home screen.

God luck. - let me know how it goes.

My issue is that I can't get to that menu screen. When I press and hold the Vol- and Menu button, the infotmic logo screen just hangs. I kept the buttons pressed for 2 or three mins until my fingers hurt!!! I can't even do a factory reset...???
My issue is that I can't get to that menu screen. When I press and hold the Vol- and Menu button, the infotmic logo screen just hangs. I kept the buttons pressed for 2 or three mins until my fingers hurt!!! I can't even do a factory reset...???

Sorry i told you the wrong combination of buttons (been a while since i did mine) - just tried it on mine - the correct way is....

Hold 'Home' and 'Vol -' - power on and keep holding all buttons - you will see infotmic logo screen then a black screen with a black and white picture of what looks like a moon in space - keep holding the buttons and the boot menu should appear - the whole process takes about 20 - 30 seconds so if you have not seen the menu within this time then it probably wont show and you will have to try one of the other methods which are not as easy.

Let me know how you go on
