Sams Price Drop on Vizio Tablet ! Even if you just got there go and get your $ back!


Oct 1, 2011
Just to confirm Sams lowered their price on the Vizio Tablet to $235 I was peeved because I got mine less than two weeks ago for $280. I just went up to the customer service desk and told her I wanted to get a refund for the difference. The clerk said that I would have to give her my tablet and go and grab a new one off of the shelf. lol

I asked her to get a manager and as soon as he came up he told her to refund me the difference (almost 60 smackers with tax!)

Their standard return policy for laptops/tablets is 30 days so I am guessing if you are in this window you are good. :)

Just wanted to pass this on. I think this tablet was good but now it is even better :)