side loading books, not buying frm B&N


Dec 10, 2010
Question: Right out of the box, will I be able to just sideload books (epub & txt] and start reading? or will I have to jump through hoops and enter CC info, initiate a B&N account, etc just to get started.
Good question craytala. Lets find out....

Yes with a stock un-rooted NC, you can view uploaded epubs and txt files from your SD card.

-Turn on your NC.
-Put your SD card into the NC.
-Plug your NC up to your pc with the provided micro usb to usb cable.
-A menu should pop up on your pc screen, telling you it sees an SD card and if you would like to open it. (Your NC will unmount the SD card from the NC and mounting it to the PC)
-Once you opened the SD card, make a folder to store your files. I named mine "ebooks"
-Close windows and unplug the usb cable from the NC. (the NC will now remount the SD card to the NC)
-Hit your on screen menu button on the NC and hit Library.
-Press memory card.
-Navigate your way to your folder where your book or txt files are, ex. "ebooks"
-Now press on ebook/txt file to open.
-Read on! :)

Here is good place for free epubs: Free EPUB eBooks for your iPad, Android, Kobo, Nook and Sony eReaders | Unleash Your Books

Here are some pics to illustrate:









Question: Right out of the box, will I be able to just sideload books (epub & txt] and start reading? or will I have to jump through hoops and enter CC info, initiate a B&N account, etc just to get started.
craytala, as you saw, side-loading books is fairly easy. But to my surprise, I couldn't figure out how to get to the home screen the very first time without registering the Nook Color. You don't have to enter CC info (of course it will ask!), but it will require you to enter your login (email address) and password for a free B&N account.

(FYI, there is an option on the NC to factory reset it, which wipes the registration.)

If you decide to root (which includes being able to also side-load most Android apps), keep in mind that the email address you give to B&N should (ideally) be a Gmail address that works for logging into Youtube. It's a bit complicated, but use of the same address is a hack for making Gmail and Market work at the moment.

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Question: Right out of the box, will I be able to just sideload books (epub & txt] and start reading?
Oh, another small tip I saw in a video review is that you can select the "My Shelves" button in your library, then "Edit" and you can create your own collection (including books both on the internal NC memory and on your SD card). I assume that the shelf you create is just "shortcuts" so presumably if you remove your SD card, you probably can't access the books from that location any more.

On the other hand!!! If you decide to root, you'll be able to move your books over to the internal memory, which keeps on them on the NC.

to all of the above, mahalo!!!
btw, after perusing the forum re:rooting...well, for now...i think i'll pass...
to all of the above, mahalo!!!
btw, after perusing the forum re:rooting...well, for now...i think i'll pass...
Yeah, I remember how nervous I was the first time I rooted my Droid. But having an easy process to get it back to factory condition made it less intimidating.

Things are moving quickly: I bet early next year there will be a streamlined one-step rooting program. :cool:


Ah well that is disappointing. Your whole question was based around you running the NC stock un-rooted. Oh well.

Thanks for the thanks. :)
I you put those books in
NookColor:\My Files\Books or in the same location on your sd card
then the books will show up in you library and you won't have to hunt them down in the my files area.