Some questions about the AUGen.

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Sep 17, 2010
I am strongly considering buying this. But before I leap, I need ot know about a few things.

1. I have used resistive screens, and I have a decent understand of what to expect...hwoever, is the screen "muted" or "foggy" like resistive screens can sometimes be? Also, does it have like a membrane touch parts of the screen, or is it one continuous piece across the whole face.

2. how big a deal is the not rotating thing? I plan on using this as a ereader in portait mode largely. Is is going to be adequate for that?

3. How big is the screen. 7.8 diagnal, or across?

4. Do you regret buying this?

5. Can I root without ABD?
720p for #1 - I got 1080p videos to play on it. See video below:

Yes for #2 - Amazon Kindle and some of the other e-reader software will rotate the screen so you can read it as book, flip through pages and change brightness too.
7" 800x400 for #3 (example PanDigital is 7" 800x600)
? for #4
Yes for #5 use the ROM v3 Rooted
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iReader, FBReadJ and most of the ones that I've looked at either have a menu option to switch to portrait from landscape and vice-versa or just force portrait.

Screen res is actually 800x480. Screen size is ALWAYS measured diagonally.

More on usefulness as a reader, well I use it after dark and lowlight conditions only as LCD screens simply are not well suited for brightly lit conditions, e.g. sunny days outside makes the screen difficult to read, but I have an eInk reader(Sony PRS-505) that I use in those conditions but the reader only does one thing, reads books/texts and kind of PDFs(does best with single column simple formatted PDFs). The tablets beat the pants off of the reader for PDFs, even fairly complex ones. (I loaded the TCC89XX datasheet, 1400p/14MB on the tablet using the Adobe Reader app... seemed to work fine... was fairly quick and readable.)

The font disp isn't nearly as nice on the GT, but I don't think any tablet below 800x600 will ever be quite as good as eInk, and I bet that eInk still beats the Pandigital Novel and Cruz Reader, still they do the job. (I used a Palm IIIx for a long time as a reader, as well as a Franklin eBookman EBM-911, Gemstar/RCA REB-1100, various other PDAs as well so I'm more used to not quite as nice text font rendering.)

Do I regret buying it? Hmmmm... well... truthfully sometimes, but thats mainly because I was also thinking about the Witstech A81-E w/a Cortex A-8 CPU AND GPS which also now has a version of Android 2.2 on it, but the firmware is a bit on the flakey side and it doesn't handle video well at all, plus Witstech is rumored to be having a new model of hardware available soon. I figured that we'd get better support from a US company, and they didn't do too badly so far, but we're in kind of a holding pattern ATM now. So I guess that I'm more inclined to keep it as its my only tablet, and I do find it useful for some things, but would be MUCH happier if Augen showed a bit more activity.
Over all, IF you do all the mods that are out for this device it's actually pretty good for the money... it's not going to be a power house.. but it is functional...

1)the screen seems ok to me... and it's similar to other resistive screens i've enountered.. if you find one at kmart open it and try it.. see what you think.. though keep in mind that the newest firmware includes a calibration app that helps with screen responsivness

2)you can use a cutom home/launcher app and use the app "rotateD" to over come the rotaing issue.. i know for sure it works with Launcher Pro.. there's a link and detailed description here .... i'm not sure if works with other home/launcher apps... i just know it doen't function the same way with the factory home/launcher, once you intall launcher pro and then rotateD you can use the app icons that rotateD creates to rotate your screens to what ever orientation you want, when you want, some apps will remain in default mode..., most of them are only available in landscape.. I even went as far as to use another app "control bar" that allows you to install app short cuts directly in the notifiction drop down menu.. that way if you're in an app you don't have to leave it to change orientation just pull down the notification bar and hit which orientation you want... with all that.. It's not a big

3) never measured it... but it is a good size and astheticaly a good usable size.. that's what i based my assement on..

4)NO I don't regret buying.. but i still may take it back... for another $120 i could get the new Archos7 that's coming out in oct.. and just yesterday Samsung dropped that they WOULD be releasing a WIFI only version of their Galaxy Tab (meaning no add on 3g contrat to your cell bill), it has full Google support(market workingout of the box, Google voice,and so on and so on,..) and Samsung is the top manufacturer of mobile devices in the US.... can't beat that kind of backing, price will be my determining factor, if under $300 it's the winner... so.. in short.. let your buget be your guide... if you can wait i have a sneeky suspicion that there will be large number of models to choose from this holiday season...

5) yes you can use ADB to root(have done it 3 times, once for each software update) and push apps and so on and so forth, but you don't need to. there is a update style ROM that comes pre-rooted and has a bunch of the mods already taken care of in the install .. I haven't tried it yet... but there are good reviews being posted on this forum.. it installs the same way the manufactures updates do from my understanding...

Hope this Helps.... :)
The problem with the Samsung Galaxy Tab I think will be that it'll still likely be overpriced for the WiFi only version. I'm betting on them trying to put it $400-550 range, which is ridiculously overpriced for what it is. (Actually we knew about the WiFi only version since at least IFA end of August... rather spend that kind of money on a netbook(less actually) or a true notebook(skimping a little on graphics) than a semi-kinda-useful tablet maybe...)

Archos: they seem to have problems as most people don't seem to think too highly of Archos(excepting fanbois), and for $200+ I'd rather have a tablet with GPS(A81-E or whatever replaces it) than a little extra onboard FLASH. A guy from Scotland on mobileread, for example, wrote that the Witstech A81-E that he got felt like it had better build quality than Archos tablets that he looked at and played with in a store before buying the A81-E...

As to updates: easiest is just to:

Linckraker's v3 update which includes(and installs the same as) Augen's v3 update, roots the device, adds clockwork mod recovery, restores a bunch of apps and preps the machine for the market fix along with a bunch of other good things plus removing some of the useless apps

followed by:

Clockworkx's Non-Ugly Market Fix to get market working


Augen Gentouch - Wiki

Back to regretting it... probably keep it unless something really awful(TM) happens, and wait to see what ends up coming later this year and next at more realistic prices...
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As far as the screen goes, does it look like say a laptop screen as far as clarity contrast and brightness go?
The problem with the Samsung Galaxy Tab I think will be that it'll still likely be overpriced for the WiFi only version. I'm betting on them trying to put it $400-550 range, which is ridiculously overpriced for what it is. (Actually we knew about the WiFi only version since at least IFA end of August... rather spend that kind of money on a netbook(less actually) or a true notebook(skimping a little on graphics) than a semi-kinda-useful tablet maybe...)

Archos: they seem to have problems as most people don't seem to think too highly of Archos(excepting fanbois), and for $200+ I'd rather have a tablet with GPS(A81-E or whatever replaces it) than a little extra onboard FLASH. A guy from Scotland on mobileread, for example, wrote that the Witstech A81-E that he got felt like it had better build quality than Archos tablets that he looked at and played with in a store before buying the A81-E...

As to updates: easiest is just to:

Linckraker's v3 update which includes(and installs the same as) Augen's v3 update, roots the device, adds clockwork mod recovery, restores a bunch of apps and preps the machine for the market fix along with a bunch of other good things plus removing some of the useless apps

followed by:

Clockworkx's Non-Ugly Market Fix to get market working


Augen Gentouch - Wiki

Back to regretting it... probably keep it unless something really awful(TM) happens, and wait to see what ends up coming later this year and next at more realistic prices...

I don't know have you looked at the specs for the upcoming Archos line... 1ghz processors, 512ram(meaning it can support Gingerbread when it comes out), mutitouch capacitive screen, Android 2.2, bluetooth, full hdmi support for all screens and apps, front facing web cam, & more... ARCHOS ... sounds pretty good to me... I mean yeah they stil have the Appslip.. but there's been a market work around for some time now.. for under $300 not bad IMO... at least deff worth a look see....

the wll street Journal is reporting the Galaxy tab to be $200- $300... not sure if that would subsidized pricing but still deff gonna be less than the Ipad

and come on GPS on a device this big... how big a map do you need.. the screen res isn't gonna make that turn easier to take.. lol... if you're gonna go that route then you're gonna go a full Android phone or the 3G version of something like the Galaxy Tab...
I can speak for myself, and i'm sure most might conceed, in saying that i'm not looking for an all in one ubber device to drag around everywhere... just to check stuff online, play games(and there will be some SERIOUS games coming once the Unreal gaming engine hits Android latter this yr,early next), e-reader, email, and chat... if you're planning on doing more, then yeah you'll need a laptop.
They announced a wifi only Galax Tab in Great Britian this week. Its 700 pounds...thats like $1010 USD.
As far as the screen goes, does it look like say a laptop screen as far as clarity contrast and brightness go?

the screen is pretty good.. not quite as good as a laptop for browsing and the like, full web pages seem to blur a bit but when you zoom in to read at a comfortable text scaling it clears up, video is great on the device... at least the couple movies i've watched.. and the hd vids i've streamed off of you tube..

brightness.. you have 4 settings you can control via the power settings widget each time you hit it it gains 25% brightness. I believe there are some apps that give you a bit better control Tipster has grouped some tools together in his "tool kit" that include some ap sthat control brightness, Tipstir's Powertools 2010 Plus for Android Rooted ROMs ... i've only used my GT indoors and have had no problems... if anything it's too bright if you're reading an e-book in a dark room even at the lowest setting.
Linckraker's v3 update will be the last from him as he has returned his to Kmart for no replacement! So anything else from Augen for update would have to come from another programmer or just have to root it on your own. I have 3 defects on the Panel that's not a good sign.

1. stuck bright pixel
2. back-light bleeding
3. back-light bleeding really bad so bright on the bottom edge

So my panel is not so good, but you couldn't tell if you look real hard you could see it.

I am sure newer ones should be okay. I feel Augen won't support there device anymore for software update or just jump on the new models for 2011. Well good luck!
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I don't know have you looked at the specs for the upcoming Archos line... 1ghz processors, 512ram(meaning it can support Gingerbread when it comes out), mutitouch capacitive screen, Android 2.2, bluetooth, full hdmi support for all screens and apps, front facing web cam, & more... ARCHOS ... sounds pretty good to me... I mean yeah they stil have the Appslip.. but there's been a market work around for some time now.. for under $300 not bad IMO... at least deff worth a look see....

the wll street Journal is reporting the Galaxy tab to be $200- $300... not sure if that would subsidized pricing but still deff gonna be less than the Ipad

and come on GPS on a device this big... how big a map do you need.. the screen res isn't gonna make that turn easier to take.. lol... if you're gonna go that route then you're gonna go a full Android phone or the 3G version of something like the Galaxy Tab...
I can speak for myself, and i'm sure most might conceed, in saying that i'm not looking for an all in one ubber device to drag around everywhere... just to check stuff online, play games(and there will be some SERIOUS games coming once the Unreal gaming engine hits Android latter this yr,early next), e-reader, email, and chat... if you're planning on doing more, then yeah you'll need a laptop.

Yes, the Archos is overpriced for what it is. Look at what Wits is selling the A81E and making a good profit. Capacitive screen is meaningless for me as ATM it eliminates any possibility of handwritten char recognition, so I'd rather have a decent resistive ATM. Pinching and fondling the screen doesn't really get me off or offer any benefit AFAIC. Gingerbread: it's not available and there are no min specs, but more memory is always nice, but does NOT come even close to helping justing $280 for the 70 or $300 for the 101 build cost of both is like less than $120 making for a healthy markup, of course the 5IT has dropped drastically in price since introduced... Still not heard enough "good" things about Archos other than from some fanbois, and ALOT of bad things about them from everyone else...

$200-300 undoubtedly the 3G version encumbered with 2y data plans -> likely $700+ true end cost. I still expect them to try pricing closely to the iPad if not more, but we'll have to see.


so abandoning ship as well?
yeah I've heard bad things and good things, but that's with the last gen of devices.. and Android 2.2 is like 5 times faster than android 1.5 and double as fast as 2.1 due to the preformance enhancments and the JIT compiler... we lost a member here Obwan22 he went archos5... and yes they have released the min requirements.. Android 3.0 Gingerbread details: 1280×760 resolution, 1Ghz minimum specs, mid-Oct. release » Unwired View just the first of MANY links reporting it.. and i ment it CAN support gingerbread WHEN it comes out... though Archos's lack of support for updates to Andrid 2.x on its previous devices isn't a good

You CAN go handwriting entry on a capacitive screen there's apps for it in the market.. but WHY would you want to with the speech to text capabilites in 2.2 ... on my Moto Droid with Froyo it works pretty darn good.. i'm from the south and i have a , ahhmm , tad bit of a draw(lol) and i speak fairly fast. the speech to text works pretty darn good for me I'd say 95% accurate, better if i speak like a normal

yeah the wits looks interesting.. but do you really wanna be in the same boat as far as firmware..waiting on updates to get stuff working that should already be, they don't have all functionality working with either Android or Win Ce... just seems a little hookie... and it's only got a 600mhz processor only has 256 mb ram/ 256 mb of NAND.... i'm not an Archos fan per say, i've never even held one, but the side by side tech specs of these 2... COME ON.. did you even look at the Archos page... lol
yeah I've heard bad things and good things, but that's with the last gen of devices.. and Android 2.2 is like 5 times faster than android 1.5 and double as fast as 2.1 due to the preformance enhancments and the JIT compiler... we lost a member here Obwan22 he went archos5... and yes they have released the min requirements.. Android 3.0 Gingerbread details: 1280×760 resolution, 1Ghz minimum specs, mid-Oct. release » Unwired View just the first of MANY links reporting it.. and i ment it CAN support gingerbread WHEN it comes out... though Archos's lack of support for updates to Andrid 2.x on its previous devices isn't a good

You CAN go handwriting entry on a capacitive screen there's apps for it in the market.. but WHY would you want to with the speech to text capabilites in 2.2 ... on my Moto Droid with Froyo it works pretty darn good.. i'm from the south and i have a , ahhmm , tad bit of a draw(lol) and i speak fairly fast. the speech to text works pretty darn good for me I'd say 95% accurate, better if i speak like a normal

yeah the wits looks interesting.. but do you really wanna be in the same boat as far as firmware..waiting on updates to get stuff working that should already be, they don't have all functionality working with either Android or Win Ce... just seems a little hookie... and it's only got a 600mhz processor only has 256 mb ram/ 256 mb of NAND.... i'm not an Archos fan per say, i've never even held one, but the side by side tech specs of these 2... COME ON.. did you even look at the Archos page... lol

I don't think that I'd want to do hwr with my fingers, and AFAIK there are no cap screen capable stylii. And again pinching and squeezing the screen just aren't attractive to me or seemingly all that useful as UI options. I'd rather use different stroke control options.

yep I've looked at Archos before and always heard the same things. Most people thought they were overpriced junk w/awful support. Of course now they look slightly better against various Chinese sellers which is in turn offset by the Apple standard.

Wits actually has an 720MHz capable part which is now being slightly overclocked to 800MHz. Like I've said before and I'll say again from a value and hw spec perspective A81-E is the one to beat ATM, but that's offset by flakey fw and the question of getting source which is to Archos benefit but not enough to set off their negatives IMO. IF I REALLY HAD to buy something RIGHT now, I'd have to go with the A81-E.

Journalism 101: I see no references to Google/Android dev site in those mythical specs.
eah.. i guess... but to me... i'll pay the extra $60 and have averything work out of the box... and the muti touch screen doesn't mean just pinch to zoom.. it also means support for apps like alot of the gaming emulators.. with a singe touch resistive screen you can't fire/functuion button and move at the same time.. and IMO I would rather pinch a web page or pic to get it just right than hit a button to zoom/ un zoom by a predetermind factor.. you just have more real control... plus the HDMI out and bluetooth support help.. you have a mini game station if you hook it to your tv and use the wii remote app that allows you to use wii remotes as bluetooth entry devices. look out retro game night here we

capacitive stylii... styli for a capacitive screen - Google Product Search

don't think i'll buy a "straight from china" electronics device again... i've been burned a few times with ebay crap.. part of the appeal of the GT... i can drop it back by kmart if i wanna return it.. more than likely wouldn't do the archos unless they hit Best buy or some other official store... something to be said for a return policy and face to face interaction..

My rule of thumb for tech purchases... buy the most you can for the amount you have budgeted... becuase in 3 moths it'll be obsolete... given that any tab i get will have to have Adroid 2.2 or higher 1ghz processor, 512 ram, 8gig storage min, voice entry method, usb, hdmi, mutitouch screen capacitive preffered, bluetooth, gps(optional), and resale in a box store as well as online, Market working or a workable hack.. $300 tops out the door...

the Espresso line Auen is supposedly working on covers most of that so they may be an option too... we'll see.. and i'd have to agree.. If i HAD to buy somethig right now the A81-e looks to be the contender but that's only because the new Archos line isn't set to hit the market till next month... lol
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