(TCC8902/Android 2.1/7"/HDMI/1080p/3D) HSG MIDX5 aka Coby Kyros MID7005

I just received mine two days ago.
Happy with it so far but there is an issue with the battery (only get about two hours before the battery warning starts BUT its then a couple more hours before it actually shuts itself down).
That said it is smooth and responsive compared to some others I have seen.

Best advice I can give is don't get it off eBay like I did. I am only now realising that mine might not be exactly what it says it is and could well be the reason I'm having battery problems while others seem impressed with the battery.

What is your firmware number. There are two recent firmware. 348 and 369. Both are good, but both have their own elements lacking. As you can see I have an X5A. I like mine. It is the 348 build. I put on it the VeNoMous Froyo build for a while and am back at the 348 build. Why did I not go to 369 is that some X5A units do not like 369 while others work fine. The 291 build is OK, but 348 is much better. I can play YouTube on it, but not Flash 10.1. That does not bother me as much as the inability to use Google Sky on it.
gurgle what recovery do you use for your x5a
I have in no offense to this site used the step by step of Asure and the ClockworkRecoveryMod. Found over on Slatedroid.

For Others:
There is a lesson in this from my research and experience. Recovery/Flashing and Rooting is like following a cookbook/manual and building an engine the first time. You should do all of the research, RTFM, and read the instruction set again. The first time I rooted, I did a dress rehersal and verified I understood the steps. I simply do not want to brick or lose functionality. Same thing for ADB. Learn what ADB can do. It will help you in the long run. Just do not follow the instructions, understand them.
matt- have you upgraded the firmware? I read on the merimobiles website that the firmware upgrade solves this issue

Not yet, planning too but still have a lot of learning to do.
Still worried about rooting at this stage, lol.

What is your firmware number. There are two recent firmware. 348 and 369. Both are good, but both have their own elements lacking. As you can see I have an X5A. I like mine. It is the 348 build. I put on it the VeNoMous Froyo build for a while and am back at the 348 build. Why did I not go to 369 is that some X5A units do not like 369 while others work fine. The 291 build is OK, but 348 is much better. I can play YouTube on it, but not Flash 10.1. That does not bother me as much as the inability to use Google Sky on it.

Ah, I think I just realised might be talking about a different tab altogether. Apologies to OP if I am.

Its a MID X5A
Firmware #153 (Even though I've been told this doesn't exist.)
Youtube and Google Sky work a treat. Not sure about Flash.

Just do not follow the instructions, understand them.

Excellent advice - and on the point of understanding I have noticed a lot of people saying to launch z4root from SD. I don't have an SD card yet so, even though I have downloaded z4root, I daren't press the root button.

Will rooting from internal memory cause a problem?
At the moment all I am trying to do is replace the broken widget picker with a fix I found but need to root first before I can use root explorer properly.
Sorry to ask such a newb question but I prefer to get things right as much as possible.
Ah, I think I just realised might be talking about a different tab altogether. Apologies to OP if I am.

Firmware #153 (Even though I've been told this doesn't exist.)

Will rooting from internal memory cause a problem?
What you have is an X6D which is like a X5A but usually has G-Sensor. It is a rare variant with the #153 Firmware. The 153 is (I think) upgradable to the #157 Firmware, but honestly am not sure. You need to check on the different boards to be sure.

I would suggest investing in an SD card. They are inexpensive and needed for so many things. Whether rooting or installing firmware, or side loading apps.
I too am looking at buying the x5a for simple use, nothing fancy, but is there any indication that it will (or won't) be able to upgrade to 2.2?
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What you have is an X6D which is like a X5A but usually has G-Sensor. It is a rare variant with the #153 Firmware. The 153 is (I think) upgradable to the #157 Firmware, but honestly am not sure. You need to check on the different boards to be sure.

I would suggest investing in an SD card. They are inexpensive and needed for so many things. Whether rooting or installing firmware, or side loading apps.

Thank you for that info. Just looking into the firmware upgrades now

EDIT : and as recommended have just ordered ye olde SD. :)

If you Google 'upgrade x5a to 2.2' and check the second listing you might find the answer your looking for.
I'm still getting my head round what is what with these tablets but from what I can gather Froyo is already available. Someone with more 'know' about these things can probably tell you more.
also got my x5a-g from merimobiles 2 days ago with the same "nonexisting" firmware #153

not sure so far what about the battery issue (some mentioned 2h usage only...)

what i can say is that i was really impressed by the building quality from this device! it is h e a v y !!! metal frame, glas top results in ~400g, for a 7" device its a lot i think.

positive aspects: works out of the box, market runs, sensitive touchdisplay (better as i thought and i didnt put off screen protector ^^), flash should run with the skyfire browser (need to test)

my main purpose is using it as an ebook reader (thats why im a little shocked about the weight ^^) with a nice software i found (moon+) it runs really smooth

im not sure to upgrade the device to #157 (have to root this thing first...)

btw... slatedroid seems to be down? cant connect there because there was a huge thread concerning the x5a (find it here: http://www.slatedroid.com/hsg-x5a-x6-pandawill-g11/)

greetz SP()()KY
from what I have heard the X5A won't have firmware upgrades for 2.2

so if you want 2.2 you will have to root and do it yourself
Good news I got my X5A yesterday thank you Philip and Oliver at Merimobiles for switching my order from the RK7, its really fast out of the box, having trouble with it going into sleep mode in just a couple of minutes and then I cannot get out of that screen without shutting it down, the WIFI was easy to set up and the Market place was easy to get on and install apps, so far a great buy, came with a free rubber keyboard which is great, my son likes the ESPN and NBA apps.

So I will recommend Merimobile's fast shipping and so far great product for the price, only problem was not getting my ship to correct, minor since I now have it.​
I have a strange problem with this device. I installed a few widgets, but when I try to add them I see only google search widget in the list and that's it. Why I don't see the other ones I have installed?
please try following procedure,

1. enter update mode
2. update only lk.rom
3. reset device, then enter update mode again
4. update tcc8900_mtd.img and NAND Data.fai
5. reset device, then power on normally

After hours of googling, final the right solution.