uSD card unreadable after writing autonoot image to it (using linux)


Feb 1, 2011
Hi, I'm trying to root my NookColor, but am having some SD card problems. After writing the image to the SD card using dd (dd if=auto-nooter-2.12.25.img of=/dev/<sdcard> bs=1M) the card becomes unmountable. Gparted does not recognize the partition and booting the NC with the card inserted has no affect (i.e., NC boots normally).

I've tried this with two different uSDcards and had the same results.

Any ideas?
Thanks for the reply rico.

I'm am not worried about reformatting the sd card after the rooting process. My problem is with creating an sd card that I can use for rooting my nookColor. Has anyone had similar problems? Can I use some other program (other than dd) to write the image to the sd card?
I am not sure if this helps, but if trying to root with a Mac you need this bit of info. This was provide to me by thel8elvis

Put the downloaded .img on the desktop. Open terminal. type (no quotes) "cd Desktop"
Now when you type in the dd comand it should work. The problem was that the OS did not know where to 'find' the input file (your downloaded.img). Since it is on the desktop, and your terminal is now working from the desktop (cd Desktop) it should now work.
Success! I found the error. After some googling around I found this warning for writing image files to sd cards:

Warning: Make sure to use /dev/sdx and NOT /dev/sdx1. This is a very common error!

This was indeed my error, and I can happily say that I do now own a rooted NookColor :)
