How can I restore my SD card after imaging with AutoNooter Root?


Jan 10, 2011
I know this isn't a NC issue but I can seem to figure out how to restore my 4gb SD card back to normal. I used WinImage to format the image. All that worked fine. I was trying to reuse the card for something else I cannot format it back to 4gb. In fact I have now changed it and cannot even get AutoNooter back on.

Love when I can answer my own questions. Found this on the Nook Dev site.

NookColor Format and partition your SD card back to a usable state

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After rooting using nooter, your SD card is left with a single 40mb partition on it. You'll want to fix this so that you can use the full capacity of your SD card again. The Nook Color can do this for you.

  1. Power up your Nook Color *WITHOUT* the SD card inserted (Otherwise it will try to boot off of the SD card)
  2. Press the button to pull up the context menu with device settings
  3. Then go to device info
  4. Then click on SD card
  5. Click on 'umount sdcard'
  6. Then click 'format sdcard'
The NC will repartition and format the card to it's full capacity.
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Damn, I came here to help you, and you already helped yourself. ;)

Well...nookDevs is a cool site, huh?

Ok, now I can post. It was such a self contained thread with with a concrete solution I didn't want to post. Thanks to Matt I don't have that issue any more. Good job bob, even though it is in the sticky having this thread and the solution on the first post should help others in the same situation.
Ok, now I can post. It was such a self contained thread with with a concrete solution I didn't want to post.
Hey, don't let that ever stop you! How will you ever get to 100 posts if you don't shoot a few blanks every so often? ;) double entendre intended with the "blanks" comment, btw. ;)
