Viewsonic Viewpad 7


Nov 18, 2010
Please excuse me if this question has been it possible to play flash video on this tablet, the Viewpad 7?
android 2.2, arm 11 600 MHZ processor. i've heard that because of the processor that flash was not workable on this tablet. have not found anything thus far to refute this claim.
I wanted to check to see if it was possible to run flash before i actually buy the tablet.
@Gunz, did you ever find an answer? I'm wondering the same thing, but couldn't find an answer
You would think the manufacture could answer the question? Sorry you are having a hard time getting an answer. That may be a good indication to start looking at other 7" tablets?
Darn it, the 7" Viewsonic would be perfect if you could download the flash. I was gone most of the day, but I'm doing to do more looking tonight!
Even though this device has 2.2, indeed as stated previously the problem is that the version of flash available for android was not written to accommodate this lower end ARM processor (I have the same problem with my Optimus phone) so it will not work - without a processor upgrade. That is the major knock against this tablet (that and lack of onboard storage memory) - otherwise it would be a great tab overall. I'll try to find a link to corroborate or refute this claim. I read it somewhere just can't find it at the moment.

Edit: Here is a thread that seems to conclude that Flash will not run on a device with an ARM 11 proc
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Given viewpad7 has half of price of Samsung Galaxy Tab, I am go for viewpad7, going to purchase tonight, will sharing in coming few days.