WE BEAT THE Huawei!!!!!

I'm often accused of "having too much free time on my hands." Which is inaccurate, unfair, and just plain wrong.

The truth is "I am always looking for a reason not to do my job" and "I manage my time poorly." ;)

Hey people are always taking cigarette breaks here at work. Well I don't smoke so I take "Internet" breaks.
Well, I smoke at my desk...okay, not really smoke...I haven't had a cigarette in over a year now...

I use an electronic cigarette that gives me a little nicotine (not those crappy ones you hear ads for)

But anyway, after I explained it to my boss, I got to use it at my desk. woohoo

My boss has very little idea what I do, but he knows I meet all deadlines he sets, usually do a bit more to go above and beyond, and don't look at porn.
This thread is starting to feel like group therapy (which is my fault, I always end up hijacking). Are we headed for a group hug? ;)

My work vice? I have a cute little hand-held espresso maker (yes, it looks like a sex toy and is called "Handpresso"). Every time I use it at work I think "why don't I just set up IV (as in intravenous) espresso delivery?"


That is a cool device. Makes me wanna pick up coffee again. As long as I have my mountain dew though I am all set.

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That is a cool device. Makes me wanna pick up coffee again. As long as I have my mountain dew though I am all set.

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Just (please) tell me you don't drink one first thing in the morning?!!!

Yes sometimes I do. It feels very unhealthy though, lol.

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Since we went there... just wanted to share that I was a 12-pack or-so-a-day Mt. Dew drinker and decided that it wasn't healthy for me so I just stopped drinking it. And decided why not purge... so all I drank was water and occasionally iced tea if I was eating out. Took me about a week to get over the cravings and about two weeks to get my body out of the slumps (lack of sugar highs) at certain points in the day. Then around three weeks in, I started to feel awesome, and so much more energy, slept better, it was awesome. I even allowed myself to have Mt. Dew every now and then, and when I tried to drink a can I got about 4 sips in and couldn't stand the heavy syrup taste. So I just didn't drink soda anymore.

Then one day I drank a Mt. Dew cause I was crazing the flavor, now I'm back where I stadlk;gm'sdf basdgnk

...sorry, fell asleep on the keyboard, had to get a new can. I'm back and awake again. Where was i?
Since we went there... just wanted to share that I was a 12-pack or-so-a-day Mt. Dew drinker and decided that it wasn't healthy for me so I just stopped drinking it. And decided why not purge... so all I drank was water and occasionally iced tea if I was eating out. Took me about a week to get over the cravings and about two weeks to get my body out of the slumps (lack of sugar highs) at certain points in the day. Then around three weeks in, I started to feel awesome, and so much more energy, slept better, it was awesome. I even allowed myself to have Mt. Dew every now and then, and when I tried to drink a can I got about 4 sips in and couldn't stand the heavy syrup taste. So I just didn't drink soda anymore.

Then one day I drank a Mt. Dew cause I was crazing the flavor, now I'm back where I stadlk;gm'sdf basdgnk

...sorry, fell asleep on the keyboard, had to get a new can. I'm back and awake again. Where was i?
TWF!! Very F!!!

Since we went there... just wanted to share that I was a 12-pack or-so-a-day Mt. Dew drinker and decided that it wasn't healthy for me so I just stopped drinking it. And decided why not purge... so all I drank was water and occasionally iced tea if I was eating out. Took me about a week to get over the cravings and about two weeks to get my body out of the slumps (lack of sugar highs) at certain points in the day. Then around three weeks in, I started to feel awesome, and so much more energy, slept better, it was awesome. I even allowed myself to have Mt. Dew every now and then, and when I tried to drink a can I got about 4 sips in and couldn't stand the heavy syrup taste. So I just didn't drink soda anymore.

Then one day I drank a Mt. Dew cause I was crazing the flavor, now I'm back where I stadlk;gm'sdf basdgnk

...sorry, fell asleep on the keyboard, had to get a new can. I'm back and awake again. Where was i?

Lol :) Mt. Dew is a hard habit to kick. I can't do it...and I have quit cigarettes and coffee. I think mt Dew is more addicting!

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My understanding is that Mt. Dew has the most caffine of any major label soda (yeah, soda in CA not "pop") and far more than your avereage coffee. Don't know if that is actually ture or not but I have heard it more than once. Guess I'll have to google it now.
Ok, so it looks like brewed coffee is at least 2-3x the caffine of regular soda. Tops spot appears to be Diet Pepsi Max then Diet Mt. Dew, Pepsi One, Mt. Dew/Mt Dew code red and on down from there. In general it looks like Pepsi has more caffine than Coke.

Source: Caffeine Content of Drinks