What is the best tablet for reading?

this is a VERY subjective question. If you want an e-reader you may just want to stick to a kindle, if not that a nook.
I'd strongly recommend something with an eInk screen (like the standard Kindles) - they're equivalent to reading text on paper, rather than on a backlit screen, so they're much kinder to eyes.

And of course a welcome side-effect is that the battery lasts much, much longer.

There are other eInk tablets out there - I'm pretty intrigued by the dual-screen ones, where you get both an eInk reading screen and an LCD full colour screen, like this one: enTourage presents the Pocket eDGe dualbook
Subjective? Sure is. I have been ereading for years. The eInk feature is nice, but frankly, a major use of my Acer A500 is reading and it does a an excellent job of it. As a note, I also use Excel and a few other applications extensively.
Subjective...you bet!

For reading, Kindle beats tablets including IPad hands down....I have a kindle and a G-Tab so I can attest to the strengths of each...

For a student, you needs to first verify the format available for your books, e.g. are they epub, mobi, or kindle native format. How is content delivered? What device is recommended by the school?

Next is color important? E.g. for biology books, color would be important.

Also consider ergomonics...weight/ size...and where you will read. E.g. a 10" tablet is not a device to use reading in bed, as I'm doing now...ow my arm hurts!

And do you want to boot up a device to read or just turn it on?

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Downside to e-ink technology is you need good lighting conditions for it to be useful.

Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Android Tablet Forum
Also consider ergomonics...weight/ size...and where you will read. E.g. a 10" tablet is not a device to use reading in bed, as I'm doing now...ow my arm hurts!

But when lying, can't you place your device on your chest? You can also buy protective leather case and use it as stand in form of triangle.