What you think for this tablet

For that price it looks great to me, you cant find any much cheaper then that and deal extreme has free shipping so that nice. I have bought from deal extreme before and they are a goods company to buy from
Two points I want to make:
1) DealExtreme has not been shipping quality tablets. Their tablets have high failure rates.
2) With the upcoming Telechips TCC8902 based tablets, it is difficult to recommend anything with a Rockchip or a VIA CPU in it at those price points. Quality control has been lax for VIA tablets - just take a look at our VIA section. The Rockchip is better, but is no longer worth the $150US investment.
Best to hold off and wait for better models to be made. They're coming but not soon enough. Owning two VIA models have a lot of features but the battery and wireless is and performance lousy. Gentouch 78 is the best one for the price and features. Some hardware short comings is minor that won't hamper your daily usage.
Hello again
Thanks for the replies, I read a lot articles on the subject.
But I do not understand what the difference is the processor.

VIA <Rockchip <Telechips

Okay, but I saw tablets with VIA MW8505, which operate on the 333Mhz and those that work on 600MHz.
Now I think all the same, only the names are different.

Recommend me a model to 150USD.
I can not find "Gentouch 78" in online stores.
Hi, I have one suggestion for you: Please do not buy any tablet with the software version lower than 2.1.