Which one would you Choose


Jan 15, 2011

I would like to get an opinion from customers that have bought 7 inch

Which of these following 7 inch Tablets will able to do this:

1) has an Android Market icon
2) plays 720P video without any problems.
3) plays 3D games like Angry Birds.
4) has a good video camera.
5) very long life battery, 4-5 hours or more. wifi, video

List of 7 inch Tablets:
1) Wits A81G Tablet
2) Wopad7001 Tablet
3) Ramos W9 Tablet
4) HaiPad M701-R Tablet
5) Gpad G10 Tablet
6) any others you may suggest
You should look at the Huawei S7. Not so great on the battery, 4 hours is about the limit, but everything else you want. $299, and includes cell phone function if you want it.
is a 7" better than a 10" Iam thinking about getting a 10" should I get a 7" instead?
I think that depends what you want it for. 7" is better for portability and is cheaper. The 10" helps those with bigger fingers and makes viewing things like movies more of a pleasure

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My two daily drivers are now the Huawei S7 and the Viewsonic gTab. I am currently actively using the gTab and my wife is using the S7 to see if she wants to keep that. we have another couple of weeks and will trade to see if she likes the ViewSonic better.

Here are my main observations. Things like PowerPoints, Visio Design Docs, and spreadsheets are much better on the 10", but email, newsreading, calendar and e-readers are better on the S7. Also the S7 can do full phone and data by itself, I have to tether the GTab to the phone if I want Internet where there is no wifi.

So, all that being said, I find both to be great devices and will be happy with whichever I finally settle on....at least until the next round of these come out and I start lusting for the the Xoom or something like that!
pbrauer are there places selling the gTab? Looks like a ton of people hated it.... although who really likes 'stock' anything? I've heard once rooted.. it's brilliant!
i can totally understand and agree with the initial reviews. the out-of-the box ROM with Tap-n-Touch is absolutely horrible, but once you flash to either TnT Lite or VEGAn it is amazing. I can tell you that the Quadrant Standard score is over 2300, or 1000 higher than my HTC Incredible or my other tabs.

As far as where to buy, Staples has the 7", which probably is good but I do not have any direct experience with it. Sears does not list it on the website right now, but when I bought mine at the Sears store according to the web they didn't have it either, so you should call your local store. Otherwise, Amazon shows them in stock and new at Amazon.com: viewsonic g tablet