SYNET7LP concerns/feedback

I got a[h=1]SYNET7LP on ebay and they said it had a 80 GB hard drive. Searching google I noticed several sites claiming this had a 80GB or 20 GB hard drive. When It arrived, I found it only had a 2 GB hard drive. How can so many websights make this misstake?[/h]
Thats a good question....can you put the link up to some of these sites, I'd love to have a look.

On the downside definitely has only 2GB, and a MicroSD port that can read up to 16GB.
and it isnt a "hard drive". It isn't even a MicroCF drive. It's RAM and ROM and it is non-upgradeable.

Research, research, research - before you buy. With the cracked screen and the "miss quoted hard drive" size, sounds like the only "good deal" in your ebay exchange was the deal the seller got. I hope you didn't pay any more than $5-10 for it. Because that is about all you are going to get out of it from scraping it out (battery, back case, motherboard, etc...) and that is you paying for shipping.
and before you ask.... NO there is no where you can get parts for it. DigitalGadgets is a third party warehouse for Sylvania. It is NOT a Sylvania tablet, it is a Sylvania BRANDED tablet, it is NOT made by DigitalGadgets, it is SHIPPED by DigitalGadgets to customers (big box stores) and warranted (with ORIGINAL receipt from store) for hardware issues, and cracked screens are NOT covered, that is damage, not faulty components. The manufacturer is from China and I have written 10+ emails to various people within the company about getting parts for these tablets and I have yet to receive ONE reply. What you may have is an electric paper weight.
My tablet froze at the infotmic screen. A tablet 3 finger restore didn't remedy the situation.. I finally tried a IUW burn from a PC and the tablet works fine. Chuck
My tablet froze at the infotmic screen. A tablet 3 finger restore didn't remedy the situation.. I finally tried a IUW burn from a PC and the tablet works fine. Chuck
Glad to hear that you knew before hand the Hardware Id 'hwver' so that you could select the proper update file. Too many wait for an issue, such as stuck on the boot screen, to realize either the "factory reset (three finger method)" doesn't work or they never identified the Hardware Id "hwever". At least you knew your Hardware Id "hwver" since there's the risk of causing irreparable damage (bricking) the tablet by using the incorrect update file.

Question, after burning an update did it add the ability to "factory reset (three finger method)"?
and it isnt a "hard drive". It isn't even a MicroCF drive. It's RAM and ROM and it is non-upgradeable.

Research, research, research - before you buy. With the cracked screen and the "miss quoted hard drive" size, sounds like the only "good deal" in your ebay exchange was the deal the seller got. I hope you didn't pay any more than $5-10 for it. Because that is about all you are going to get out of it from scraping it out (battery, back case, motherboard, etc...) and that is you paying for shipping.

Unfortunatly I payed $35.00 pluss $9 shipping. I figured I could use the HMDI out to my TV and use one usb for wireless blutooth and the other for a Large hardrive. And either strrem movies wirelessly from my server or hard drive to my TV. The craked screen would not matter. Unfortunatly My HDTV HMDI says wrng format when I plug it in. Etther It outputs only 1080p or has to be setup to output to my 1080i TV.
Mine outputted to my TV in 1080i as far as I could tell, seeing how my TV does not directly say what is coming in like many of the newer flat panels do. I THINK it will output whatever the highest res your TV supports through HDMI but haven't had enough time to play with mine and figure out exactly what it does do. I did see the video just fine though it turned out the video I was playing back was so compressed that I couldn't tell how good it should have looked and played back.
I have to hook up the OTG cable and one of my externals with a bunch of hi res videos and see what actually works and how it looks sometime. I'm using a Toshiba 34" CRT HDTV with 2 HDMI inputs and it worked just fine with it through the mini to regular HDMI cables I have.
Glad to hear that you knew before hand the Hardware Id 'hwver' so that you could select the proper update file. Too many wait for an issue, such as stuck on the boot screen, to realize either the "factory reset (three finger method)" doesn't work or they never identified the Hardware Id "hwever". At least you knew your Hardware Id "hwver" since there's the risk of causing irreparable damage (bricking) the tablet by using the incorrect update file.

Question, after burning an update did it add the ability to "factory reset (three finger method)"?

My tablet already had the ability to factory reset from files on the tablet. Why I posted was that using the recovery image on the tablet didn't allow the tablet to boot past the infotmic banner (though in the past it worked fine). The OTG recovery method did allow the tablet to boot so there must be something slightly different in the recovery process. Chuck
OK today I finally hooked up my 8 gig usb drive with some small HD video clips on it to try through the HDMI to my TV. They all played fine once I got the HDMI to sync with the TV and seemed to be original resolution with no lag or stuttering so it appears that yes this thing will output native res up to 1080p just fine through HDMI as long as your cable and TV sync up properly and you hit the menu button and wait a sec for it to do that and start playing the video. It looked great on my TV this time, even had the sound on one clip that the player by itself wasn't playing any noise. I did 720 and 1080p files in AVI, MOV, and MKV and they all seemed to work OK and looked great. This one of the reasons I decided to get this thing as my older 4.3" Onda PMP will only output 720p max and has major issues playing 1080i MPG files. This one does not so a happy camper and figured folks would like to know who maybe haven't tried it yet:cool:
I just bought this tablet at Sears on black Friday. I think I actually have the SYNET7LP-DS model. I am not allowed to open it yet since it is my Christmas gift from my wife!! But it does appear to have a camera on the front and the pictures show that the buttons are on the side and not on the back as the other SYNET7LP model. I have looked for information on this "DS" model, but can only find one statement on the Sylvania website stating that the DS model is the one with the camera. Is there anything else out there on this tablet??
Just an update, it appears that this "DS" model does not have any USB or HDMI ports on it??

I just bought this tablet at Sears on black Friday. I think I actually have the SYNET7LP-DS model. I am not allowed to open it yet since it is my Christmas gift from my wife!! But it does appear to have a camera on the front and the pictures show that the buttons are on the side and not on the back as the other SYNET7LP model. I have looked for information on this "DS" model, but can only find one statement on the Sylvania website stating that the DS model is the one with the camera. Is there anything else out there on this tablet??
I have the synet7lp-ds..i keep getting the process error, how do i fix this..i have done the factory didnt work.. any ideas...the H/W is with Android 2.2.