update.zip from Coby (build MID7015A 1.6a 1/26/11)


Senior Member
Dec 28, 2010
There is a new update.zip available at Coby USA's website. You have to open the instructional video for the UPGRADE, and the link for the download is at the bottom of the window along with a link to PDF instructions.

I'm going to install it now. I will report back with versioning and any new features I notice.

Warning: You are advised not to install this update if you have a device that has been already rooted and setup via the Ultimate Guide, as you will temporarily lose root and possibly other functionality.
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i will as soon as i get the stock recovery to behave...
okay. firmware is still 2.1-update1 (aka eclair). model number changes to MID7015A and the Build number is now MID7015A 1.6a 01/26/11.

First boot is slow. ridiculously so. launcher won't respond for 30-45 seconds (or so it seemed). /system has been formatted again. data and cache are untouched. will push SuperUser.apk and su back on shortly and test the gapps installation.

ro.secure is now set to 1. will try fastboot oem unlock to see if i can root it without an exploit.
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Keep us posted! If updating means having to root the thing all over again and then reinstall all apps, I'm not sure I'm willing to do that unless this update brings some really noticeable improvements.
z4root works (and rather quickly at that). manual installation of root utilities is not possible now. 'adb root' won't work. i get the error message that adbd can't be run as root on production builds.

apps are still there (not gapps, though. /system got formatted). flash_image will have to be pushed onto the tablet via adb. there are no dev/debugging tools left on the device.

i've got clockworkmod reinstalled, and i'm going to test the gapps suite. installing clockworkmod and gapps is going to take some more adb work than it previously did. / is mounted r/o and /system is still r/w. /system/xbin is gone.

securing the build is an interesting change from coby. i wonder if they meant to release an engineering build with the last two updates or if it was just an oversight.
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Yeah, I'm with Sue7M3 on this one. Unless it's a super-duper update I'd hate to have to go through all that again. Thanks for keeping us updated.
gapps work still. and if you don't wipe data/cache, you don't have to setup your accounts and such again. the installation process for clockworkmod is going to generate a lot of frustration with the less-technical minded.
Looks like we're better off without it. All it did was lock down the device so it can't be rooted easily, yes?
i think apps lib was updated... :p

i haven't tested much else. been busy trying to get it back to a usable state after /system was butchered.

Update: waking issue is still present. I'm not sure what they changed for the better other than the supposed appslib update...
Found something strange.. quite a few of the new files are dated with timestamp indicating they were created on the unix epoch or 08/08/08, depending on which partition the file resides in.

Sent from my MID7015A using Tapatalk
Bloody Nass, I installed this without checking here first. Anyone know a walkthrough to remove this update or work around it to install clockworkmod and Google Apps?
I do. I'll type it up later. Right now I have to get ready to go to work.
Losing debug (adb) is a show stopper for me. Z4root to fix it. I never needed Z4root before. I just installed Superuser.apk and copied over su.
AppsLib you can already update.
Re-installing 50 apps is easy using a Linux bash script with a loop "adb install $file", BUT only if you have adb!
Wonder what this update fixes and what it breaks, besides adb. I'll stay tuned...
adb still works, but you can't elevate it to root privileges without unpacking the boot.img and changing the default.prop.

Instructions for clockworkmod coming later when I have more time.