Working FlashLite (version 9 not 10) for Coby 7015 tablet:


Mar 4, 2011

Had this working ok on my HSG X5A-G but with a few added libs it does pretty good on the Coby 7015. Please only do this if you have some experience and use Root Explorer or know what to do in Terminal or adb. This may not work for you but it does work if you follow these instructions:

1) Download all needed files here: FlashLite for

2) Extract the 5 files (2 apps and 3 libs) and transfer them to your tablet however you see fit

3) Use Root Explorer to move all 3 lib files to /system/lib then change each of them to reflect the permissions of RW-,R--,R-- (they must match all the other lib files)

4) Install both apps normally using any file explorer or installation apps


Open your browser (stock application) and start surfing the net. Do not attempt to go to a flash site immediatly. After you have browsed a few pages you can go to a site like: Show My Flash Player Version and it should return a version of AFL 9,1,122,0 (FlashLite version 9). If it returns this you are set and can start browsing flash sites. I have not had more than a few minutes of testing and I seem to remember there were several sites that do not work since it is FlashLite but it is a start. One of my favorit flash test sites is: Muffin Films by Amy Winfrey , I am not sure why but the short films are funny. If your tablet lags, give it some time to adjust to the new plugin. For some reason the first few times you use flash it takes longer to load and run. No you can't use Hulu or HBO but there are lots of flash sites out there other than these two.

My wife and I just brought home our first child from the hospital on Saturday so my time is hit or miss. I will try to help as much as possible but if you just follow the instructions listed above you are golden. FlashLite runs very well on the Coby tablet but if you are using any CPU software make sure your min speed is not lower than 500 and of course your max is not above 720 because Telechips refuses to release enough sources to compile a kernel. I gave up on that a long time ago...:mad: Also a cache cleaner is a good idea to have.

Installation video thanks to user psphacker06 found on page 4. This video outlines each and every step, it is excellent quality and should help all achieve this mod.

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Mar 4, 2011
Yes, I have been members of xda and slatedroid for sometime. I am new to this forum but you will see my login on several Android related websites. When I get something working I always share with all.

Sent from my HTC Hero CDMA using Tapatalk


Feb 28, 2011
congrats on the baby! boy or girl?? be sure to sleep when the baby sleeps is the best advice ever.
so far i understand how to do this but how do i go about changing permissions? i am a little confused on that part. and since i am only like half geek and mostly newbie i am gonna ask before i even attempt anything. and i possibly could figure this out. but its safer to ask before doing it.


Mar 4, 2011
Hello and thank you,

We have a little boy and after just a week you are correct on the sleep thing! Seems like an hour or so every 3 hours...cuts down on my Android time. :) Changing permissions is very simple. In Root Explorer select a file then press and hold until a list of options shows up. One of those will be "Permissions", move down to that and select it. A secondary screen will show up with some boxes that can be checked or unchecked. From left to right, top to bottom the usual configuration is R W -, R - -, R - - but a good rule of thumb is to match the other files in the folder. So what you want to do for this mod is to check the first and second boxes on the first row, check the first box on the second row and finally the first box on the third row. This is the easiest way of changing permissions for a file but certainly not the only way.



Feb 28, 2011
ok is there a way for me to do this with an app thats free? or some other insane permission way?
and at 3 months hopefully ur son will be sleeping mostly through the night!! something to look forward to.


Mar 4, 2011
Yes there are several options but none are as easy. There may be other apps out there but Root Explorer is a must have app and the dev deserves what he charges. You can use a terminal Android app or adb from a pc.

Sent from my MID7015 using Tapatalk


Feb 28, 2011
ok. i changed my mind i went from being partial newb to totally newb now. not knocking the dev for the awesome app he deserves it. ok i will see what i can figure out.


Mar 4, 2011
Absolutly, glad people are trying it out...It really runs well on the Coby tablet.


Mar 16, 2011
Hi, I just installed the flash.
but when I check from the site.
it only shows up a blue cube with a ? on it..
anyone knows how to fix it?


Mar 4, 2011
Hi, I just installed the flash.
but when I check from the site.
it only shows up a blue cube with a ? on it..
anyone knows how to fix it?

Hello Ken,

You may be going to a site that does indeed require full Flash 10.x support to run. A good site to go to first in order to verify that you have achieved the FlashLite install is: Show My Flash Player Version ( I do not beleive that any of the Adobe check pages register with this browser. You can also just go to a known flash supported website but please give it some time. For some reason the first time you go to a flash website it either takes a long time to start the flash or it does not work. Just close your browser and open it again, then go to the same webpage and it should work every time after the initial launch. Any indepth flash websites like Hulu and HBO will not register FlashLite (which is version 9.x) so they will not work. If the mediacollege website does not register your flash version as 9.somthing then you need to redo the mod or reboot the tablet.



Mar 16, 2011
thanks for the quick reply
I actually went to that website to check the flash version.
but it still show up as a blue cube..