APAD w/ Android 2.1 Telechips TCC8902 (Pandawill G10, Wiipad Slim Plus, Haipad M701)


They don't update the info for Gentouch..

3D yes
REPOSTING from a different thread. I received my unit yesterday. (M9008/MID701/etc/etc), Here are my initial thoughts. I will try to watch this thread for questions until more people have units in hand.

To be honest, it isn't half bad actually. I have been using it most of the day on and off, and while it has some weird firmware related issues. The general experience is positive.

- Very good weight and feel, very slim
- Generally snappy performance (needs some firmware tweaking but 3d works)
- Yes Market Works! paid app installs work as well
- Aside from slight elongating? of the fonts in portrait mode, good color and clarity screen
- Solid video performance
- Camera works
- GSensor works so auto orientation is fairly snappy

- Resistive touch, take it or leave it
- Home button crooked and mapped to Sleep/Lock
- Several chinese apps for market that can't be removed (need to find a working root?)
- Weirdness with market installs (2x notifications, one from a second app in the background)
- Camera is pretty bad
- Occasional lock and boot

So honestly, it's not a hlf bad device, battery life seems to be on par with estimates. Unlike some of the previous tablets, it doesn't just die sitting around. I was able to use it on and off for a full day with wifi on before needing to charge it. I would say the estimates of about 3-5hrs of video are probably accurate. Turn off wifi and it could probably go for quite some time. I think that with the right firmware tweaks, it could have legs. I was able to get mine direct from a reputable supplier for $197 shipped EMS, so at that price I feel like I got what I paid for. The device is also 2.2 ready which they stated would be released at a later date, so we shall see.
I wonder what obstacles there are to getting a working custom recovery on this.

What's the button layout on this thing? Menu + Home and the front button being soft power?

Can someone get the recovery partition dumped using dd?

Run in shell 'cat /proc/mtd' to get partition layout first.

Then for the recovery partition, use dd
(something like dd if=/dev/mtdblock/mtd1 of=/sdcard/system.img. Might need to use busybox.)

from @AlexEminent
The most annoying issue thus far is the key mappings. The supplier states that it is a more of a hardware issue, but they are working on a "fix". The front button, presumably "Home", is actually the Lock/Sleep button. The side rocker which is usually volume, is mapped to Back and Menu. Why is this a problem, we have hardware buttons at least? It means that the only way to get back to the "desktop" is to click back, back, back,back which can be infuriating when browsing the web and you need to pop back and open a new app. Anyone know of a quick fix for remapping buttons?
The most annoying issue thus far is the key mappings. The supplier states that it is a more of a hardware issue, but they are working on a "fix". The front button, presumably "Home", is actually the Lock/Sleep button. The side rocker which is usually volume, is mapped to Back and Menu. Why is this a problem, we have hardware buttons at least? It means that the only way to get back to the "desktop" is to click back, back, back,back which can be infuriating when browsing the web and you need to pop back and open a new app. Anyone know of a quick fix for remapping buttons?
Did you try the app 'Spare Parts'? It has an option for changing the 'home screen' button action. On my Moonse E-7001, when I adjusted that option, it would change what the front button did. I changed mine to 'Home then Sleep' which means that with one click of the front button, my device would go to the home screen and if I double-clicked the front button it would go to sleep.

I would make sure you at least have a copy of the original firmware for your device as there isn't a 'revert' option within Spare Parts and I'm not sure what it's actually changing.

I'm considering purchasing this unit (Gpad G10) even more so after your input. I'm looking at Buy Gpad G10 Android 2.1 MID 7 Inch 1080P 3D Games Multi-Touch Gravity Sensor Compare Gentouch78 compare price at pandawill.com
I was wondering who you purchased yours from. An extra $20 would be worth it for customer service & a reputable supplier. Any additional thoughts on the unit? I have a Droid Incredible that I haven't rooted, but would consider doing so on the GPad. Thanx in advance!