Can someone tell me if this is a good tablet?

Let's walk through what's wrong with the E-Bay ad and why you should back slowly out of the room. I will not even dwell on the seller only having a value of 7 and "so many sold" and the popularity allowing it to bring it to E-Bay
1. The MSRP is a pipe dream. It is the same with Watches or electronics. Never believe the MSRP
2. The top of the title states 3G (meaning Phone capable.) But that is the only place you find that detail. Down in the detail is nothing that shows any 3G capability. There is no SIM or Micro-SIM slot for the phone card
3. The unit states in one place of a 1Ghz processing power and then down below, it states just 533MHz processor for the DSP and 650 for the CPU. This is like putting a little Motorcycle engine in a car. The car may be able to move, but it will be very slow. Using old PC logic. It is like running Windows 7 on a PC made seven years ago. It may work, but it will be Sllllloooooowww.
4. The camera is a .3 Megapixel. NOT 3, but POINT 3. That is low resolution 640x480 images. That would disappoint most and usually these are out of focus
5. It states Android 2.1 but with the processing and details, you might have some disappointment

What the unit looks like is an EKEN Clone with a VIA 8505 processor. It would be OK for browsing and E-Book reading. But think OLD technology above. These have been sold until recently with Android 1.6 and Build 1.7.4. They work for basic things. but not hi res video or audio

It all depends on what you what. But I would decline this Using a known direct buy from China vendor (Click on the Link) You can see this is likely the same unit but with a slightly newer version of Android.

But this is your decision. I play on the 'Bay to feed my other collecting "itch". And am just offering advice.
Is there one you think would be better but close to the same price? I really don't understand all the specs and stuff. I was trying to google them, thats how I found this web page.
I would start by reading the information posted in the link below. It does a good job of trying to answer many of your questions.
Then Ask yourself three questions
1. How much can I afford?
2. How much work am I willing to put up with learning this?
3. Am I going to be sorry with my purchase in 3-6 months?

Any Tablet costing below $150USD will require more work(read Learn) and disappointment for larger screen? The Sweet spot for better units with reasonable support will be about $200USD or more
Any Tablet that is low cost will also have poorer quality and even worse support. Many of these are disposables. Break it, and you might as well throw it away.
The last question is really important. There will be a number of better Android Tablets arriving on the Market for Christmas and will make many of the units like the one above not a good choice.

But this is my opinion. Others will recommend a brand. I would suggest though. Buy from a known website (even Amazon) rather than take your chances with the E-Bay Roulette for electronics.

Best of luck