Which tablet is better? Android '1.9' vs 1.5 (1.1 GHZ)

The are in reality both flavors of the same soda fountain. Just different firmwares as far as I can tell. Do you want a vanilla Coke the (1.9 Firmware VIA 8505) or a Cherry Coke, (1.6 Android VIA 8505)

Both appear to be the low end units which use the VIA 8505 with different cases. I could be wrong about the 1.9 firmware unit but doubt it. Both have the same set with a ARM 11 variant.

But it is Friday, and I am in a cynical mood this evening. Sorry.
Hmm... I think that they seem really different, but you know better than me

I want to get the second one on the list do you think that it's a good buy?

If not, what do you think would be better in the same price range?

do not buy via based tablets ,it's cheap ,but low performace
cortex a8 > tcc8902 > rk 2818 > rk2808 > via 8505
okay, but what do you think would be the best <120 (ebay)

I know I'm pov

The main stuff I want is for it to have acess to the android market and be as fast as it can be for that price
I am going to be honest and may be harsh with the truth. Nothing I have seen that is 7 inch and less than $200 can do YouTube adequately at the price. The majority of "low end" tablets ($150USD or less with shipping) are adequate e-Readers and web viewers. These have VIA 8500/8505 Chips in them. There are some right about $150-175 which can do an adequate job on Video but may not have quality in the rendering. The Two core chips right now which can adequately render YouTube vids and installed video you transcode are TeleChips 8900 series or ARM Cortex A8 or the better chips which are multicore like the Qualcomm Snapdragon
Think of it in car engine analogy and placed in a basic 1 metric ton Car. Sorry for the car metaphor

Via 8505 Series = 1.6 liter 50Hp diesel engine It will get you there but not fast and you will have performance issues

RK 280x/ZT-180 Series or Samsung S3xxxxx chips = 1.6 liter 90 Hp gas engine Peppier, It will get you there but has real performance issues when you turn on the A/C (Read A/C=YouTube)

RK 2818 Chip = 2.0 Liter 120 Hp Gas engine Even more Pep, It will get you there but has performance issues when you turn on the A/C or fill the car with passengers (Read A/C=YouTube)

Telechips 8900/8902 Series = 2.5 liter 150 Hp gas engine Decent power, It will get you there, but you feel the performance hit with four adults in the car.

ARM Cortex A8 Series = 2.5 liter 180 Hp gas engine Good power, and you feel the performance hit the the A/C and four adults

Samsung S5xxxxx = 2.8 Liter 185 Hp gas engine Good power and you do not feel the performance hit as much as the A8

Qualcomm Snapdragon = 2.8 Liter 220 Hp gas engine Good power and performance, Still a bit of a lag with four adults and and the A/C
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The one for $49 bucks you do not want that. The other one the bidding is over.

I have one of those WM8505 300MHz Over-clocked to 387MHz (some are able to get 400MHz)

Now this above is capture from the camera it has onboard you can take quick dumps which stores on the internal 2GB nand and use iPod/iPhone/iTouch/iPad 30-pin to USB to PC connector to access your media on both internal and external storeage.

For the money this one is cheap but you can do a lot with it though. But don't expect 600MHz or 800MHz performance.

But even with the 387MHz CPU I can RDP into Windows 7 64-bit without issues and move, copy, cut, paste files over a wireless connection. Some can stream video also.

The above is Wyse Thin Client for Android called PocketCloud requires Android OS 1.6 of higher.


Here's one of my videos on these ePad sent from China rooted to 387MHz vs a Rooted 800MHz tablet

Gives you idea what and how these ePads from China can perform once rooted.
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