Choosing a tablet for corporate use, help please


Jan 17, 2011
Hi everyone. Since this is my first post here, I'll start by introducing myself.

My name is Matt and I am computer engineer (mostly experienced in software design and development) working for a 500+ employees company, in Quebec, Canada.

We are currently looking for a small tablet (4.3" to 5" I'd say) for our vice-presidents and directors (about 50 people). Here are our needs:

- Wifi (no cellphone carrier, they will be used on local network only)
- Android 2.2 (for Flash support)
- At least one camera
- 8 hours+ of battery life

These tablets will be used for email access and intranet surfing mostly. Access to Android Market would be great too, but there are often workarounds for that.

If any of you can help choosing a device, I would really appreciate. Right now, I can't find anything. I've looked at Archos, Dell, Adam, Samsung (and some others I can't remember exactly). We don't feel like buying Apple products (we have many reasons), but the latest iPod Touch would answer our needs. It's just that we'd prefer going with an Android device.

Thanks a lot for hints or help you can give.
There are very few in the near PMP size. XiLiv, Archos and Ramos are the three I would suggest evaluating. Each have models in that size range. Our company is waiting for a bit more Android maturity before making that leap due to security concerns.
Thanks gurgle. I'll check VilLiV and Ramos.

I had to reject the Archos 4.3 (no camera) and the Archos 5 (Android 1.6). We already use the Archos 7, but for different needs than those stated earlier.

May I ask what are your security concerns about Android devices? Do you use any mobile device at the moment?
Thanks for that Feverhost. I did not include the Streak as it had 3G.
The Archos 43 Camera is certainly no competitor compared to some. (2Mp) The primary security concern is the lack of control to the user. The device is easily rooted and the potential for user to compromise. Or if stolen, nothing to protect the data on the device. I have compromised other Android devices as part of my job. It simply not that hard.
There are apps which can allow some protection. (Good Technologies) But it is a sandbox logic model.
I can't think of anything that fits your requirements other than the smartphones.

Battery life and Adobe Flash = Cortex A8 at least
You need a camera
Plus this size...

You can run the Smartphones as tablets without SIM cards, I believe.
Dell Streak is the one that fits your requirements despite the 3G. Desire HD is rumored for Telus. Prices are not friendly.

Ramos has nothing for you. Viliv products, I'm not familar with.
Thanks for your help guys. I just realized Dell Streak is available unlocked. I wasn't aware of that. OK, it's $550 CAN + taxes, but at least it would fit our needs.

As you said xaueious, almost only smartphones fit our requirements. This is why we might go with Samsung Galaxy S Fascinate from Telus ($530 CAN). Telus announced they would unlocked phones in 2011, that's what we'll see. Hehe!