How can upgrade(Port) GS-PAD tablets from ICS(4.0) to JB(4.1)


May 5, 2013
How to Install Android 4.1 Jelly Bean CM 10 Custom Firmware on GS-PAD X8
With all the proper precautions in place, it is time to start the actual update process. Follow the guide carefully, and make sure you understand each step before beginning. There are a couple of downloads you will need to make using the links we provide, and you should get the ROM Manager App from the Play Store.

Remember please that you are 100% responsible for what happens to your device. The following guide is not supported by GS-PAD so you are on your own if you mess up.

Rooting your phone can potentially open yourself to certain other malicious scripts, as your phone will be open to internal tampering. Make sure that you understand the risks involved, and use a good security suite when browsing sites you aren’t sure of.

Steps to Update GS-PAD X8 :
First you need to download the Jellybean 4.1 firmware for the GS-PAD X8 along with the Google Apps package. Just click the links and remember where you downloaded them to.
Connect your device to the computer and enable Mass Storage so that you can transfer files. Place both of these files in the ROOT DIRECTORY of your SD card.
Get a ROM Manager App from the Play Store which will give you the option to “Boot into Recovery Mode”. This will reboot your device, opening a new menu which will allow you to continue.
It is imperative that you select the options “Wipe Cache Partition” and “Wipe Data/Factory Reset” to clear all data from the device. ( See how important a backup is? )
Now we can get to the good stuff. You will be able to select “install zip from sd card” to find the Jellybean 4.1 firmware package you downloaded. Repeat this step only this time find the Google Apps zip file.
After this is done, your device will need anywhere from 3-5 minutes in order to properly install the update. Once completed you can choose to “go back” then select the available option to “Reboot System Now”

Please be aware that since this is the first time the firmware has booted, it will take longer than normal this time around. Just be patient as it is well worth it. Once your GS-PAD X8 is up and running, you can verify the update in your settings under the “About Phone” menu. If you see Cyanogen mod 10 and Jellybean 4.1 firmware, then everything was a success.