Huawei Development Needs Priorities (for Huawei)

What should the Hauwei S7 Dev Priority Be?

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Staff member
Sep 24, 2010
All -

I know that Huawei engineers and marketing folks both read this forum (and are members), so I thought a quick poll of what we want and what our priorities are might be useful for them.

Please take a moment to answer this poll, we want BOTH to see what is the number one priority AND what the total vote count would be.

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True, i want the full S7 ROM sourcecode. I will clarify the poll. Thanks!
I was really torn between the Froyo update and the Customer ROM capability. With either of these we should be able to get to 2.2 and that will take care of App2Sd (there is also developers that have this working, I am just not smart enough to do this until it is in an easy step by step process, or an app that will do it for me). I have said my biggest issue with the S7 right now is no app2sd because of the limited space, yes I have 50 apps and have plenty of space for that, but I have 175 on my DX. My second issue is to get flash. Once this is done for me this tablet will do everything that I want it to. I know that there are some great developers out there that can make this tablet even better.

That said I went ahead and went with the 2.2 upgrade.
With Custom Rom capability I think you can make the s7 behave anyway you want ( Well I can't, but you know what I mean)!
I had a long think about this as you could just think "oh that would be nice" or "this would be a good idea".
I realised what we don't have is a Service manual of any sort in case our devices need attention.
In all honesty I could live without any of the updates, but, not without the ability to get service and repair to the hardware so that explains my "other" vote.
The source code is key. With the full source code available we could go anywhere the knowledge of the underground developer can take us. Android is open source so Huawei should be required to make their source code public. They have released the kernel source but not the full source code. We need to rally together and continue to email the company until our source is released. All of the other things listed in the poll can become reality if we gain full access to our device and the device source code (well except for the repair manual).
I was under the impression that Android 2.2 is already almost ready. It should be released BEFORE Honeycomb launches. It is important that it is released soon, or else it will be 2 versions old by the time Honeycomb hits. I am not expecting Huawei to be able to push Gingerbread any time soon, especially with the customizations they have on the stock UI.

Gingerbread was released as a stop-gap for the Christmas season, and can be more or less ignored, especially for tablets.

The dual camera S7 should at least have Gingerbread to properly support the tablet form factor as well as the dual cameras. Honeycomb is going to make a lot more sense for it though.

The Android license is mostly Apache except for the Linux kernel. Huawei owns rights to the Android portions including all their modifications. They already released some sort of kernel source. It actually does not make sense for them to release their sources to Android from a competition point of view. I have not seen any manufacturers do this.
My only experience is with HTC and they seem to release everything to the public including kernel source code, firmware images, OS images...

I guess I just assumed that all manufacturers practiced this way. Either way, I have been working at learning the ins and outs of compiling the .29 kernel from Huawei source so that I can modify and patch the things that need fixing, just a few hurdles to go (I hope) ;)

Can live without any updates, accesories such as the docking unit are my top wish.

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1. 2.2 or 2.3 Upgrade.

2. Video Chat support (Front-facing camera).

3. Full APP2SD support.

4. Gingerbread 3.0 upgrade.

5. Custom ROMs.

Those are my 1-5 order of importance.
Hi. I have same priorities. Any word if any will be addressed before long?

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