Imito IM7 android 2.1 tablet with no market app - help pls


Dec 11, 2010

I am new to android and tablets in general.

I purchased an Imito IM7 tablet, also going by the name iRobot (red led) on the box it came in.

It is supposed to have Android 2.1.

However, I cannot find the Android Market app nor can I connect to it any other way.

Is there a ROM update for this, and if yes where can i download it (instructions?), or is there another way to get the market to work.

I have enabled samba and am able to browse my main computer, but the device will not playback any movies or mp3s so I suppose I need to download an app for that, but I cannot since I have no market access.

Please help! :)
SlideMe does not work, keeps crashing on start, and I really don't know where to get apk's from, since I'm new to Android.

Thnks for your reply, but what I would really want is to be able to enable Google's own Android Market app, or at least find a rom for my device which will be more stable and have the market app.
Thnks for your reply, will look into that.

On the side note, thanks again for the slide me suggestion. True, the app does not work, but I managed to download and install apks from the web.

Seems my dream of viewing divxs directly from my main house server via wireless is not really feasible atm without some poking around:

[APP Request] DivX over WiFi/LAN - xda-developers

I have in the meantime downloaded some 20 apps and am trying to figure out how to view youtube properly. Is there a browser on android that can do it out of the box?